Sunday, August 28, 2005
August 28, 2005
August 28, 2005
The kids started school this week and all had a great time. Kayla even exclaimed when she got off the bus that she had had the best school day ever! Can’t do better than that! Marisa is getting the hang of her schedule and has found herself very busy with homework already. They have this new program called Center Point, where I can look up any of my kids in the district (the elementary schools will start implementing later this year or next year) and see EXACTLY what grades they have received on all assignments, tests, etc and what their current garde is in each class. I can get the school announcements each day and I can communicate with each teacher individually through that site. It is so cool and I am excited!!
This week we had Alayna’s open house for her preschool. We met her new teacher, Miss Betsy (who Alayna calls Miss Besty!). We got to see her special cubby hole, turn in her school supplies, and explore the classroom. I am so excited for her. This is just what she needs (not to mention what I need!).
We have been doing the prophets challenge to read the Book of Mormon before the end of this year and have been doing it together as a family. Marisa has made a cool family tree so we can visually see who is who’s son and how the plates were handed down. They are also currently working on a time line to record the events as we read them. It has been an amazing experience already. Anyway, this week, we were talking about the verse that talks about "never-ending happiness". SO, Bob asked each of them what makes them the happiest so they could try to understand the concept. Their answers were hilarious. Tyler said puppies make him the happiest. Marisa said being able to live in a land of chocolate (I added that was mine too, but that I wouldn’t gain a pound for it!) And Kayla’s was that she could get a shrinking machine, shrink down to the size of a barbie and then be able to try on and wear all the barbie clothes!! Oh, what fun discussions we have!
The kids had a fun activity at the church yesterday. It was a huge carnival where they played tons of games and even were fed lunch. In the meantime, Bob and I got to go do some shopping and go grab some lunch at a Mexican Restaurant.
Bob is doing great. He has been playing basketball weekly with guys from church, but this week got hit in the ribs and so he has been pretty sore. He and I have also started lifting weights while Tyler is in Tae Kwon Do. It makes us go, which is good, and its nice to do it together. I have also started swimming laps at the pool every other day. I have been so sore and tired, so hopefully that means its working. Alayna goes in the child watch and absolutely loves it there. Again, it works out for both of us.
I am also starting my college course this week to try to get my teaching license renewed. Plus, I am teaching at Enrichment Night, feeding the missionaries at zone conference, traveling out of the city to start Stake fall visits etc. Boy, it will be a busy week. We send hugs and kisses!
The kids started school this week and all had a great time. Kayla even exclaimed when she got off the bus that she had had the best school day ever! Can’t do better than that! Marisa is getting the hang of her schedule and has found herself very busy with homework already. They have this new program called Center Point, where I can look up any of my kids in the district (the elementary schools will start implementing later this year or next year) and see EXACTLY what grades they have received on all assignments, tests, etc and what their current garde is in each class. I can get the school announcements each day and I can communicate with each teacher individually through that site. It is so cool and I am excited!!
This week we had Alayna’s open house for her preschool. We met her new teacher, Miss Betsy (who Alayna calls Miss Besty!). We got to see her special cubby hole, turn in her school supplies, and explore the classroom. I am so excited for her. This is just what she needs (not to mention what I need!).
We have been doing the prophets challenge to read the Book of Mormon before the end of this year and have been doing it together as a family. Marisa has made a cool family tree so we can visually see who is who’s son and how the plates were handed down. They are also currently working on a time line to record the events as we read them. It has been an amazing experience already. Anyway, this week, we were talking about the verse that talks about "never-ending happiness". SO, Bob asked each of them what makes them the happiest so they could try to understand the concept. Their answers were hilarious. Tyler said puppies make him the happiest. Marisa said being able to live in a land of chocolate (I added that was mine too, but that I wouldn’t gain a pound for it!) And Kayla’s was that she could get a shrinking machine, shrink down to the size of a barbie and then be able to try on and wear all the barbie clothes!! Oh, what fun discussions we have!
The kids had a fun activity at the church yesterday. It was a huge carnival where they played tons of games and even were fed lunch. In the meantime, Bob and I got to go do some shopping and go grab some lunch at a Mexican Restaurant.
Bob is doing great. He has been playing basketball weekly with guys from church, but this week got hit in the ribs and so he has been pretty sore. He and I have also started lifting weights while Tyler is in Tae Kwon Do. It makes us go, which is good, and its nice to do it together. I have also started swimming laps at the pool every other day. I have been so sore and tired, so hopefully that means its working. Alayna goes in the child watch and absolutely loves it there. Again, it works out for both of us.
I am also starting my college course this week to try to get my teaching license renewed. Plus, I am teaching at Enrichment Night, feeding the missionaries at zone conference, traveling out of the city to start Stake fall visits etc. Boy, it will be a busy week. We send hugs and kisses!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
August 21, 2005
August 21, 2005
What a long week we have had. So much preparation goes into getting ready for school. The weather has still been quite warm and we found out the schools don’t have air conditioning which should make the first few weeks of school very interesting!
Hal and Corey came down this week and we accomplished so much! First they repainted my bathroom a light purple color to match the curtains and my bedroom and we put in new bathroom cabinets. It looks so awesome. It reminds me of that calm lavender scent. Very fun. We also took out all the weeds by my front tree and planted beautiful yellow mums. Then we did lots of yard work and pulled out all weeds. We also got a rug doctor and cleaned all the carpets in the house. What a difference that made! The house looks so clean and fresh now.
On Tuesday, Marisa had her middle school orientation. I met all her teachers and saw all her classrooms. She is taking reading, language arts, math, science, PE, Health, orchestra, choir, general music and social studies. She is on a 6 day cycle. Its all a bit confusing but they say they kids catch on quickly. The general music is only a quarter class, she will switch around this year with world languages, computers, and art. It is a heavy schedule, but I think she will do very well. I am excited for her.
This week we signed up Kayla for volleyball. She starts next month. Tyler is still doing Tae Kwon do. Marisa will be signing up for extra curricular activities this week. I guess we shall stay busy, huh?
We also had Kayla and Tyler’s back to school nights. How smart is this school to have the Back to school night BEFORE school starts?? They met their teachers, brought in school supplies, met their classmates, saw their classroom, and they talked to parents about all class rules and expectations. How wonderful!! It has eased so much of the first day of school jitters. I was impressed with the teachers and what the kids will be learning this year. They each have some fun things ahead of them!
On Wednesday, we celebrated Alayna’s 3rd birthday (even though it isn’t until next Saturday). I ordered her a Dora Cake from the grocery store. When I went to pick it up, they had no record of it. I was so mad. They couldn’t even make me another one! So, Alayna chose a barbie cake and we went to buy it. The lady at the counter asked if I found everything ok and I shared my frustration. She said that even happened to her- so she called the manager over. He gave me the cake for free! I was so excited!! Then Hal and Corey took the kids to see "Madagascar" and Bob and I went to see "War of the Worlds". It was so cool! I loved it! What fun to go on a date again! Then we went out to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. It was such a fun evening.
Last night, we had the missionaries over along with a new family that just joined the church. We had a fun BBQ and the weather was perfect by the time we had dessert.Well, I guess that sums up the week. Nothing terribly exciting, but we stayed busy. I will let you know how the first day of school goes. 6:30 will come bright and early!!
What a long week we have had. So much preparation goes into getting ready for school. The weather has still been quite warm and we found out the schools don’t have air conditioning which should make the first few weeks of school very interesting!
Hal and Corey came down this week and we accomplished so much! First they repainted my bathroom a light purple color to match the curtains and my bedroom and we put in new bathroom cabinets. It looks so awesome. It reminds me of that calm lavender scent. Very fun. We also took out all the weeds by my front tree and planted beautiful yellow mums. Then we did lots of yard work and pulled out all weeds. We also got a rug doctor and cleaned all the carpets in the house. What a difference that made! The house looks so clean and fresh now.
On Tuesday, Marisa had her middle school orientation. I met all her teachers and saw all her classrooms. She is taking reading, language arts, math, science, PE, Health, orchestra, choir, general music and social studies. She is on a 6 day cycle. Its all a bit confusing but they say they kids catch on quickly. The general music is only a quarter class, she will switch around this year with world languages, computers, and art. It is a heavy schedule, but I think she will do very well. I am excited for her.
This week we signed up Kayla for volleyball. She starts next month. Tyler is still doing Tae Kwon do. Marisa will be signing up for extra curricular activities this week. I guess we shall stay busy, huh?
We also had Kayla and Tyler’s back to school nights. How smart is this school to have the Back to school night BEFORE school starts?? They met their teachers, brought in school supplies, met their classmates, saw their classroom, and they talked to parents about all class rules and expectations. How wonderful!! It has eased so much of the first day of school jitters. I was impressed with the teachers and what the kids will be learning this year. They each have some fun things ahead of them!
On Wednesday, we celebrated Alayna’s 3rd birthday (even though it isn’t until next Saturday). I ordered her a Dora Cake from the grocery store. When I went to pick it up, they had no record of it. I was so mad. They couldn’t even make me another one! So, Alayna chose a barbie cake and we went to buy it. The lady at the counter asked if I found everything ok and I shared my frustration. She said that even happened to her- so she called the manager over. He gave me the cake for free! I was so excited!! Then Hal and Corey took the kids to see "Madagascar" and Bob and I went to see "War of the Worlds". It was so cool! I loved it! What fun to go on a date again! Then we went out to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. It was such a fun evening.
Last night, we had the missionaries over along with a new family that just joined the church. We had a fun BBQ and the weather was perfect by the time we had dessert.Well, I guess that sums up the week. Nothing terribly exciting, but we stayed busy. I will let you know how the first day of school goes. 6:30 will come bright and early!!
Sunday, August 14, 2005
August 14, 2005
August 14, 2005
I traveled to Mt. Vernon today with the stake. It’s a small church on a beautiful piece of land with corn fields behind. It is always neat to visit other wards and, as in this case, branches, but I am always reminded how grateful I should be that we are in a big ward!
We had a busy week trying to get ready for school to start. Kayla and I went on a Mommy/Daughter date to go shopping and get her some pants. We cleaned out all her drawers and found she only had 2-3 pairs of pants for next year. We were very successful and found some cute stuff. I also took all the kids to the dentist and only one (Kayla) has to come back for 2 fillings. I also took Marisa to the orthodontist. She is all set for braces now. So, once we work out some financing, she will get them. She is excited, but when she got the list of things she shouldn’t eat, she was shocked. She loves to chew ice.
We also went to see the free movie this week. It was called "Two Brothers". It wasn’t exactly what I would call a kids movie. Apparently Alayna didn’t either. It lost her attention within 10 minutes and then she became a total nightmare. I ended up sitting out in the hall with her. Somedays, I really wish she would hurry and grow up!
Speaking of movies, we finished watching "Gone with the wind" with the kids this week. We all got a big kick out of it. Then we finally finished the series "Into the West". Bob, Marisa, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have always enjoyed history and I enjoyed how this series was put together.
Bunny report: We had a very sad incident this week. We continued checking on the bunnies each day after their mommy fed them. On Tuesday, we checked on the bunnies again and there was only one left in the hole. Then we found one two feet away that looked like his neck had been slashed. Kayla was in hysterics. It took a while to calm her down. We thought maybe the mom moved the other babies, but yesterday we found one skeleton in the corner of our yard. We saw a ferret looking thing in our tomatoes the other day. I have a feeling that is responsible. Anyway, the mom has come back every night and day to feed the bunny that was left and has kept a vigil watch over him. He has become almost part of the family. We have been checking on him every day. On Saturday, I made this mistake of moving the cover of grass over his hole, only for a second, and he up and bolted out of the hole. I am sure Bob has never seen me run like that: bent over at the waist and scooting all over the yard. I finally caught him and out him back in the hole. This morning, he was gone, but mom is still there. Now we are worried where he might have gone. Hopefully somewhere the mommy can find him. Oh, the drama...
Sadly enough, I have no pictures to share from this week. (Except ones taken by Alayna when she snuck my camera.) Hope you are all enjoying your week. I will be doing my best to bask in the enjoyment of my last week of summer vacation (including tons of home projects, Marisa’s school orientation, the kids back to school parent nights, etc.) Next week, 6:30am will be like an early smack upside my head. I am surely ready for everyone to go back to school, I will just miss my sleep!
I traveled to Mt. Vernon today with the stake. It’s a small church on a beautiful piece of land with corn fields behind. It is always neat to visit other wards and, as in this case, branches, but I am always reminded how grateful I should be that we are in a big ward!
We had a busy week trying to get ready for school to start. Kayla and I went on a Mommy/Daughter date to go shopping and get her some pants. We cleaned out all her drawers and found she only had 2-3 pairs of pants for next year. We were very successful and found some cute stuff. I also took all the kids to the dentist and only one (Kayla) has to come back for 2 fillings. I also took Marisa to the orthodontist. She is all set for braces now. So, once we work out some financing, she will get them. She is excited, but when she got the list of things she shouldn’t eat, she was shocked. She loves to chew ice.
We also went to see the free movie this week. It was called "Two Brothers". It wasn’t exactly what I would call a kids movie. Apparently Alayna didn’t either. It lost her attention within 10 minutes and then she became a total nightmare. I ended up sitting out in the hall with her. Somedays, I really wish she would hurry and grow up!
Speaking of movies, we finished watching "Gone with the wind" with the kids this week. We all got a big kick out of it. Then we finally finished the series "Into the West". Bob, Marisa, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have always enjoyed history and I enjoyed how this series was put together.
Bunny report: We had a very sad incident this week. We continued checking on the bunnies each day after their mommy fed them. On Tuesday, we checked on the bunnies again and there was only one left in the hole. Then we found one two feet away that looked like his neck had been slashed. Kayla was in hysterics. It took a while to calm her down. We thought maybe the mom moved the other babies, but yesterday we found one skeleton in the corner of our yard. We saw a ferret looking thing in our tomatoes the other day. I have a feeling that is responsible. Anyway, the mom has come back every night and day to feed the bunny that was left and has kept a vigil watch over him. He has become almost part of the family. We have been checking on him every day. On Saturday, I made this mistake of moving the cover of grass over his hole, only for a second, and he up and bolted out of the hole. I am sure Bob has never seen me run like that: bent over at the waist and scooting all over the yard. I finally caught him and out him back in the hole. This morning, he was gone, but mom is still there. Now we are worried where he might have gone. Hopefully somewhere the mommy can find him. Oh, the drama...
Sadly enough, I have no pictures to share from this week. (Except ones taken by Alayna when she snuck my camera.) Hope you are all enjoying your week. I will be doing my best to bask in the enjoyment of my last week of summer vacation (including tons of home projects, Marisa’s school orientation, the kids back to school parent nights, etc.) Next week, 6:30am will be like an early smack upside my head. I am surely ready for everyone to go back to school, I will just miss my sleep!
Monday, August 08, 2005
August 8, 2005
August 8, 2005
Well, we just got back last night from a busy and fun weekend in Illinois. We drove to the Harts house on Friday night. On Saturday morning, Bob and I attended the ward temple trip and then went out to lunch together. It is really nice to go out without kids sometimes! Then we came back to their house and had a relaxing day. We went to church with them in the morning, had a nice afternoon and then drove home last night. It is so fun to have them close by and it was great to be able to go to the temple. The kids spent the time mattress sliding down the stairs, jumping on the trampoline, riding the go-cart, and playing with the marble machine. They sure love going to visit!
Last week we registered Kayla and Tyler for school. Kayla got the teacher she wanted ("The nicest teacher in 4th grade") She was starting to have anxiety attacks again. However, I haven’t heard anything since she found out who her teacher was. Whew! We were also able to order school supply packets so I didn’t have to go school shopping for all the supplies. What a cool deal! We sign up Marisa today and get her pictures taken for school and her ID tag. She also has an orthodontist appt today- busy day!
Well, we are finally getting lots of tomatoes off our plants. However, the bunnies discovered them and we keep finding tomatoes with big bites out of them! Plus, a few weeks ago, we found a bunny hole nest with about 4 dead baby bunnies. So, we decided to plug all the holes into our yard to keep them out. On Thursday night, just as Bob finished filling the last hole, Marisa found a hole in the ground with a live baby bunny. As I looked in to the hole, we found there were 5 baby bunnies!!!!! Their eyes were still shut and they were very tiny. We put them in a box and tried to ask neighbors what to do. The advice was to put them back in the hole and see if the mother comes back. If not, we needed to take them to the humane society. So- we unfilled one hole and sure enough the mom was back that night. We check on them each day and they are growing and doing fine. The mom comes to feed them about 2 times a day that we see. We will wait til they are big enough for the mom to take them with her and then we will plug the last hole. In the meantime, we are trying to find ways to protect our tomatoes and kill these stupid Japanese beetles that keep attacking my roses.
I guess that’s our weekly report. Until next week...
Well, we just got back last night from a busy and fun weekend in Illinois. We drove to the Harts house on Friday night. On Saturday morning, Bob and I attended the ward temple trip and then went out to lunch together. It is really nice to go out without kids sometimes! Then we came back to their house and had a relaxing day. We went to church with them in the morning, had a nice afternoon and then drove home last night. It is so fun to have them close by and it was great to be able to go to the temple. The kids spent the time mattress sliding down the stairs, jumping on the trampoline, riding the go-cart, and playing with the marble machine. They sure love going to visit!
Last week we registered Kayla and Tyler for school. Kayla got the teacher she wanted ("The nicest teacher in 4th grade") She was starting to have anxiety attacks again. However, I haven’t heard anything since she found out who her teacher was. Whew! We were also able to order school supply packets so I didn’t have to go school shopping for all the supplies. What a cool deal! We sign up Marisa today and get her pictures taken for school and her ID tag. She also has an orthodontist appt today- busy day!
Well, we are finally getting lots of tomatoes off our plants. However, the bunnies discovered them and we keep finding tomatoes with big bites out of them! Plus, a few weeks ago, we found a bunny hole nest with about 4 dead baby bunnies. So, we decided to plug all the holes into our yard to keep them out. On Thursday night, just as Bob finished filling the last hole, Marisa found a hole in the ground with a live baby bunny. As I looked in to the hole, we found there were 5 baby bunnies!!!!! Their eyes were still shut and they were very tiny. We put them in a box and tried to ask neighbors what to do. The advice was to put them back in the hole and see if the mother comes back. If not, we needed to take them to the humane society. So- we unfilled one hole and sure enough the mom was back that night. We check on them each day and they are growing and doing fine. The mom comes to feed them about 2 times a day that we see. We will wait til they are big enough for the mom to take them with her and then we will plug the last hole. In the meantime, we are trying to find ways to protect our tomatoes and kill these stupid Japanese beetles that keep attacking my roses.
I guess that’s our weekly report. Until next week...
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