Monday, August 17, 2015

Carthage, Nauvoo, and the Tree of Life

Brandon Cox (Kaylas boyfriend) made the trip to Iowa to come visit us this week.  We have absolutely love having him here!

On Friday, we took him to Carthage and Nauvoo since he has never been.















On Sunday, we took him to see the Tree of Life




Other news:

Tyler was busy in camps all week and this week as well.  He has been doing 9-3 marching band camp and then 4-10 show choir camp.  He had it all day Saturday too so you can imagine how exhausted he is!

Alayna was part of MyFy this week where the 8th graders lead the new 6th graders in an orientation of the new school.


Marisa came home this week so we are all back together again!


Kayla leaves on Wednesday to go to DC for a week with her college roommates!

New carpet being installed today!!!



I go back to work Friday- more bummed than you know.

Made 13 jars of salsa


We had a fun game night where we showed off our artistic skills and wit!


Monday, August 03, 2015

Ant-man, and Army Challenge and a scary doctor visit!

Oh what a week!  Yesterday, Bob, Alayna, Kayla and I all participated in the Squaw Creek Army Mud Run Challenge.  It was a tough course but very fun for family bonding!




Unfortunately, I didn’t/couldn’t take a camera on the trail since we were in mud and water most of the time.  Next time we need to take someone along to grab pictures and videos because I had many many moments that were worthy for a funny TV show!

To get TO the starting line you had to go through the “Freeze Pit” (a huge tub filled literally with ice) then get out over hay bails to get in line.  So, it was super hot and I was very excited for the cold ice bath.  Once I got to the other side I couldn’t haul my big wet butt out of the vat.  When I finally did, without much grace I might add, I jumped off the hay bail, right into the mud, lost my footing, and did this slowmo backwards fall into another hay bail.  We werent even to the starting line yet!!!

The first part of the 5K was mostly going up and down hills and over giant hay bails.  Then, we hit the mud!  It was the thickest, slipperiest, deepest mud I have ever been in!  We made it through only to turn around and see that Kayla was completely stuck at the beginning of the mud.  She ended up having to carry her shoes and she lost a sock in that mess!  But the course was full of crazy obstacles, jumping into freezing cold creeks, monkey bars, carrying logs on a balance beam, crawling through tunnels, etc.  It was crazy how much we did and we had so much fun.  On one obstacle, it was 3 muddy hills with 3 muddy pits.  We basically had to crawl.  When we got to the end it was this giant mud hill (mountain!) with the fire dept shooting the hose at us and the mud.  I am a little scared of heights but I just went for it.  My arms and legs flared out like a terrified starfish and I bumped and bounced with literally no grace until I hit the bottom.  Kayla was laughing pretty hard!  Im sure that’s hard for her to ever unsee! At the end, we were on the giant sledding hill.  They had a huge slip and slide with the fire dept supplying the water.  I had this vision of me running and doing a flying leap onto my stomach and cruising down to the end, just like Bob.  Instead, I did this baby run and fell right UNDER the slip and slide.  I got onto it and then got stuck.  This was in front of tons of people.  I did rock the end army crawl under the net, only to come up to the finish line with no shirt on (I had a sports bra).  So, it was a very entertaining day!







We went as a family to see Ant-man and I just loved it!!!  I keep envisioning him running through my new plush carpet.  Im just so thrilled with all the new superhero movies and books out right now!



On Tuesday I took Alayna to her physical and Kayla had to get a TB test at the same time (sinces she had been to Belize recently and the school put a hold on her account until she got the test done).  So, the nurse gave her the shot and she was fine.  A few minutes later she said, “Mom, I really don’t feel well”.  I had her close her eyes and relax and she kept saying she was going to be sick.  All of the color left her face (she was green) and her eyes flipped up her head and she was unresponsive.  The nurse came racing over and then Kayla started having a seizure, so the nurse ran out to get a dr for help.  Apparently she had a vasovagal attack.  It was super scary.  They got her onto the floor where she stayed for the duration of Alayna's physical.  She was fine by the time we left. 



I need all of you to keep me in your prayers.  I found out the LM high school librarian is retiring in January and the middle school one is retiring at the end of the year.  I have already contacted both principals and sent them some of my information. IF we are going to stay here until Alayna graduates, which she wants us to do, this would be REALLY good for me.  So, please keep us in your prayers- we need all the prayers and support we can get!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

My girls :)

Marisa at the Brasilian Grill-Jealous!!

Marisa at the Y

We went to the temple the other day and these friends of mine helped me do 27 baptisms and confirmations for our "Azore" family members!!




Surprises and Smoothies

Kayla  planned to come home for a few weeks this summer to visit.  We decided to tell Alayna she was coming a week later than she actually was.  It wasn’t easy to keep the secret, but somehow we pulled it off.  Her face when she saw Kayla walk in was priceless!  It’s like her brain couldn’t compute she was actually here!



She was telling us all about how she is doing and her day of travel. When she finised Tyler says, “Well, I’m still trying to figure out how you got those pants on!” (she had on skinny jeans)

We also hosted 9 people over night on Friday for youth conference!

Our fridge finally came after a bit of a nightmare.  Our kitchen is complete and I absolutely love it!!!



Living room done and looking gorgeous!


The carpet is super soft- can you tell?



We have been working hard on healthy eating.  We love chia seeds and even went to the fresh market this week!




Now we are just missing Marisa!!!

Utah- Part 4