Saturday, November 30, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Got Alaynas senior announcements done!  They will be mailed soon!

We are still loving yoga and getting stronger every day.  I swear by it for us older people.  Im excited to try sunrise yoga on the ship!  Bob was able to hold this for over a minute! Not to shabby for a 51 year old!

Speaking of birthdays...Happy Birthday to Bob this week!  We were able to go celebrate at Happy Joes (tradition, right?!)

Yoga breaks in the library...

Lily and Rosie got to be guests at the school Guinea Pig Club!

The number 1 announcement is...The cruise is coming up and I CANNOT wait!!!

This has been an incredibly transformative year for me (but more on that later.) This Christmas and holiday season I wanted to focus completely on my incredible family and create memorable experiences we will remember forever. We are about to embark on a much-needed break celebrating Marisa, Kayla, and Brandon’s college graduations from BYU, Alayna’s early high school graduation from high school, and the beauty of eternal families! 

20 days people. 20. days.

Sunday, November 03, 2019

Part 4- Odds and ends

CONGRATULATIONS to Alayna for being accepted into BYU-Idaho!  Which is her 1st choice.  She is still waiting to hear from BYU to make final choices but she is super happy!

I finally got to meet Anthony this week! We got to Facetime the whole family on Halloween!  Glad my parents and Grandma Jo got to meet him too!  We love him!

We LOVED taking Ellie out Trick or Treating.  She was adorable but it was freezing!!  It was around 30 degrees but she loved it!

We got to watch Tyler play on a live broadcast- He would need to explain more, but I know he is pretty high ranked in Overwatch and he and the team he works with played and we were able to watch him play live- which was cool!
Did I mention I have a new yoga buddy?

Part 3

My walking pneumonia still hasnt cleared up. I went in for more tests, but they said its just taking several weeks to get over. So, because I had my girls here, I got a sub and took the day off.  Sorry I didnt get many pics of Kayla- she wasnt feeling well :(

We got to celebrate Ellie's 2nd Birthday and we had a great day!!!  We made the most awesome cake of all time!  She loved it! Happy Birthday, Ellie!

We played with her birthday present- Baby shark playdough!

It even snowed just for her! And she LOVES eating bowls of snow!

And Kayla and Ellie came to school one afternoon to help me run the Stranger Things Breakout!

It's November?! Part 2

We made fresh apple turnovers! 
And she fed babies to the dinosaurs

Then Kayla, Ellie and Alayna came to help me on my work day!  We had lunch and they helped me set up Stranger Things and do some projects!


It's November?! How did THAT happen?!

So many wonderful things happened in the past month!

1. We were so excited to get an unexpected visit from Kayla and Ellie! Brandon was going on a fishing trip and Marisa was in St. George, so they came to visit us and it was awesome!

2. We got to celebrate Tyler's 21st birthday at a new place called Mandarin Spice!  Happy Birthday, Tyler!!!

Then we went to explore Party City!

Then there was an epic battle with dinosaurs, star wars figures, and babies!

Ellie is a wonderful helper with the animals.  She was great at feeding them and softly petting them!

And of course, we watched Frozen "day"  5,000 million times! But I will take snuggles anytime!

Utah- Part 4