Sunday, January 10, 2021

Thanksgiving Day 4

 Christmas sugar cookies (and purple sharks). She loves making cookies with Grandpa and decorating with Grandma.

Thanksgiving Day 3


 Family time, yoga, Mandelorian, and games!


Thanksgiving Day 2

 We took Ellie shopping with us to get supplies, food. 


We walked to the farm to feed the animals!

And had lots of fun family time!

Thanksgiving Trip to Utah

COVID numbers skyrocketed and we weren't sure this trip would happen.  School has been overwhelming: hybrid, online only, in person- always wearing masks which makes it hard to breathe and hard to teach.  The wedding venue called and cancelled and then Utah put more restrictions on saying you could only be with your own household. So, that changed wedding plans.  We still felt we needed to go.


Utah- Part 4