Sunday, August 04, 2019

How is it August?!

It has been a very busy couple of weeks and time is speeding by! So much to do and so little time!

We got Tyler all moved in!  He has good roommates but doesn't see them much.  He is on the3rd floor so that was a little tricky on move-in day.  He says he really likes it there plus it is close to work!  He also comes to visit ince in a while and for Sunday dinners which is nice.  Yesterday he came over so we could watch Endgame again and make our famous PB rice crispies!

The bed frame arrived this week!
Our garden is flourishing!  We love having fresh produce.  Plus, a friend of mine sells her zucchini brownies and bread at the Farmers market, so I planted a zucchini plant for her. I give her zucchini, she brings mebread.  Considering how much I hate baking, this is an awesome deal!

We had a very busy doctor week!  On Monday, I had to take the guineas to the Vet.  Lily has a huge bald patch on her side and has been itching it like crazy.  No mite or lice which is good, but it may be an ovarian tumor.  We are going to leave it for now and keep meds on her side.  She is pretty old and the surgery would be tough.  Rosie had a mammory infection that was huge!  We took her in and got pain meds and antibiotics and she is doing much better.  They were even featured on the Vets page!
I had to take Jack in on Tuesday to get neutered.  I found out that if rabbits arent spayed or neutered, it shortens their life span and they can develop cancer.  He was giving me dirty looks the whole way home.
I am doing everything I can to enjoy what is left of summer.  Yesterday, Bob and I tried the new paved walking/biking trail by our house.  It is beautiful!
Ive been practicing my hair

And I even finally let Alayna do my nails...
Another busy week ahead!  May it feel slow!  Love to you all!
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Utah- Part 4