June 11, 2006
Our summer is off and running! Bot do we have lots of fun and exciting things going on! It is certainly nice to sleep in a bit more and not have to do the homework thing.
Last Thursday, before the kids got out of school, Alayna and I attended the ward playgroup. We went on a fun nature hike on the sac and fox trail by the church. We had a fun time, just wish it had been a bit cooler.
On Friday, as soon as Bob got home from work, he took the kids to see the Grandparents in Illinois. I stayed home and worked like crazy (more on that later). They had lots of fun being there with the Wilkinson cousins. Marisa and her cousin Jared got to stay at the grandparents house all week. Marisa had her first chance to do baptisms and go into the temple. They also saw the BYU band perform and do some other fun stuff. They were involved in some service projects as well. I should have her write up a summary and tell you all about it.
On Monday, Kayla and Alayna started their gymnastic classes and CRAG gymnastics. I am so impressed with the gym and the teachers. The girls had so much fun, they didn’t want to leave. Kayla takes Wednesday as well. They are also taking along with their friends that live across the street, so it has been extra fun. We have had tons of friends over each day to play in the sprinklers and the pool ( which is so tiny and they all try to fit in it at the same time, which is so silly!)
We also had to go get Kayla’s clarinet cleaned. I almost had to trade Alayna to pay for it! It should be perfect in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, they gave her a loaner one. She started her class on Thursday and absolutely loved it. Only 5 kids take the class at a time, so the band teacher can help them individually. A huge plus, is that the school has a big playground where Tyler and Alayna can play til her lesson is done.
This weekend, we headed back to the Harts to pick up Marisa. We were going to see the BYU band as well, however, I thought it would be too much. So, we went Friday night, and enjoyed a quiet evening. The next day, we headed out to Spring Lake and played on a huge fun playground. That evening we had a fun movie party and watched “The Incredibles”. Today, we went to church in their ward and then headed back home after dinner. It was a fun relaxing, enjoyable weekend.
Alayna is excited that our free summer movie series starts this week. We have noticed quite an active imagination in her. She has decided now that she has to wear goggles to bed. So, after she falls asleep, I have to go take them off. Weird.
As I mentioned last week, Tyler got his orange belt and is so proud. He was excited this week when we found that Family Video gives kids free movie rentals for every A on their report cards. Man, we cleaned up!
We just got Marisa’s report card of solid A’s for the whole year. She has also been bumped up to take transition math next year.
Bob had his allergy testing and we found out he is allergic to dust mites!!! So gross! So, we bought special covers for our pillows and a giant one to encase the mattress. I guess I will need to vacuum the room more than once a week. Plus, he has to go in twice a week for shots. Giant bummer!
Well, we have another fun week ahead of us. A big thanks to all the fun and extra family emails we have been getting! What a joy that has been! Keep it up!!
have a great week!!!
PS: You can skip this next paragraph if you want:
I have been dealing with what I like to call: “trying-to-get-your-Iowa-teacher-license-insanity”!! Boy am I glad I started extra early. I turned in all my paperwork to renew my Utah license in February. However, by June I still hadn’t heard a word. When I called, they said they had renewed my license in March but were waiting the fingerprint results from the FBI. They said it can take up to 5 months to clear! 5 months?? On CSI, they can do it in 5 minutes. What the heck??
So, I had to contact the Iowa license place, who told me to turn in all my Iowa paperwork and I could just send along the Utah license when it arrived.
Last week, a paper from the FBI said my fingerprints had been rejected because they were unreadable and it would have to be redone. So, On Thursday, I went in to the police station to do it again!They had their fingerprint expert come out. He kept looking at my fingers and the old forms and then back again. Then he looked at me and said "What do you do for a living"? I said that I was a mom of 4 and a soon to be school teacher. He thought I worked with sheet metal or something. My fingerprints look like I have tons of cuts, slits, or scars over them. He was perplexed. (Tons of lines through my prints) He kinda mentioned that if I ever did any kind of crime, it would take them seconds to know it was me. I guess I better be good. He has a feeling they may send it back again. I will scream if they do.
Then today, when we got back and checked the mail, I found that the Iowa license place had cleared me in one week. Hmmm...how did they pull that off? However, they only issued me a 90 day permit. So, I have 90 days to get my Utah License in to them, when I just sent the reprints off on Thursday. Then they only gave me an exchange license good for two years since I haven’t taken any college courses in the last five years. Really?? Hello- what the crap was I doing the past six months? I even sent them an updated transcript! So, now I will be on the phone once again tomorrow.
I did meet with the principal from Oakridge and received some very valuable advice and info. I also registered to sub for next year- thank goodness I can use the temporary license for that! Then I also filled out all the forms to volunteer in several schools several days a week.
In the meantime, I have been working like a madman trying to put together my resume, cover letter, gather letters of reference (no easy task), organizing and color coding all teaching files, researching interview questions, designing lesson plans, completing the application, etc. It has been many, many hours of work. All my paperwork should be in to the HR department by September. (That’s if I can get the stupid license crap worked out!!!) Then I will be completely ready when they post the job openings in January. I have already contacted the new principal for the new school as well. I really hope to get on with this new school or at least a school in this district. If not, I will apply to Cedar Rapids district. If that doesn’t work, I plan to spend next year getting my Masters Degree:
I can get a middle school endorsement by taking just 10 credits. That would qualify me to teach 6,7 and 8th, almost all subjects . Those classes could count towards my Masters. I only need to do 32 credits to get my Masters and with hard work, could do it in a year if I had to. They even have a non-thesis option. The Masters degree would up the pay tremendously and I become a ton more marketable.
Anyway, I am sure that is more than any of you care to know. However, if you wonder why my emails have been less frequent, now you know why.