Sunday, February 11, 2007

Feb 11, 2007

February 11, 2007

Anyone else out there sick of the subzero temps we have had for two weeks now? You know its bad when we are excited that today’s temp will climb all the way to 33!! Yee-haw!! I may have to get in my swimsuit, it will be so warm. Just kidding, that would be scary!

We had a jam-packed week full of lots of exciting activities:

  1. Marisa took the ACT Saturday morning. She thought it was hard, but actually felt she did really well. I think it’s exciting that she gets the chance to try it so early. I think she wasn’t so thrilled it took almost 4 hours, but that’s ok. She also had “New Beginnings” for YW this week and they had a Princess Party. She came home with a bag full of neat things.
  2. Kayla had her first gymnastics meet yesterday. She did GREAT!! She won 3 blue ribbons (the highest you can get) and 1 red. She also won a medal!! I think that got her VERY excited for the next meet.
  3. Hal and Corey came up and did 6 science presentations at our kid’s schools. They did Tyler’s 3rd grade class (plus the other 2 3rd grade classes in the school) and they did Kayla’s class (and the other 2 5th grade classes as well). Then, they even did Alayna’s preschool class! I didn’t have to sub those days, so I was able to go as well. They did the coolest demonstrations on air pressure. They made garbage bag mummies, made marshmallows and balloons expand in a vacuum chamber, made a water balloon suck into a glass jar using a match, let kids use a giant straw, and of course, blew up some diet coke with mentos, which is always a hit!! Thanks for doing that, Corey and Hal!!!
  4. We had a fun Survivor premiere party with root beer floats. I really could never be on that show. I would never sleep or eat and therefore, would not be pleasant to live with. Actually, I could probably make it to the final 2, because everyone would want to take me with them to the final two, so they could have an easy win. Maybe I should consider it?
  5. We went to the cooking cottage again to make some meals. The older 3 kids really love going and whipped through making our meals in no time with all that extra help.
  6. I finished my online application for the Cedar Rapids district and activated it yesterday. Things are slowly coming together. I must say, I am curious for what is in store for me next year.
  7. Marisa is babysitting a dog this week across the street. She just barely had 4 puppies. So, the kids have been over there playing with them this weekend. The puppies are so tiny and barely have their eyes opening. They are once again trying to talk me into getting a puppy, its not gonna happen.
  8. Yesterday was our 14 year anniversary of when Bob asked me to marry him. Can you believe that?

Well, I guess that about sums it up. Happy Valentines Day, everyone and enjoy your week!!!!

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Utah- Part 4