Sunday, August 05, 2007

August 5, 2007

August 5, 2007

I would like to start out this newsletter by shouting, GO SEE BOURNE ULTIMATUM!!!! What an absolutely FANTASTIC movie. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Go see it!

It’s been a couple of weeks since I have written. So now, of course, my poor little brain doesn’t remember everything we did. Debbie and family came for a great visit. We went to the Children’s Museum in Iowa City so I will include some pictures from that. This week Jeff came to visit with Gma and Gpa Hart. Only two weeks until he gets married!

I was released from the Stake RS last week and put in as a permanent Primary sub and Activity days assistant. (I will sub every other week for a sister who works every other Sunday and cover other classes the rest of the time.) I sub all week for school, now I do it Sundays too. Don’t ask me how I feel about this because right now, I honestly don’t know.

I spent the week working literally (well almost literally) all day every day completing my professional portfolio(for a grade, not by choice) and a MASSIVE unit for my class. The eye headaches have been bad. I am almost done, should be done by Tuesday and can send it off an be done with the class. I start more classes on the 20th. For me, this summer really was not too fun.

Tomorrow is kindergarten Camp and Alayna can hardly stand it. We also register all the kids for their classes this week and find out who their teachers are. We have all the school supplies organized and ready to go. Now we just need to get everyone new tennis shoes and we will be set.

I guess that quickly sums up our week . Basically Bob working, Mom working every waking hour on assignments, and kids playing trying to squeeze out every free minute of playing time possible before school starts. Until next week…

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Utah- Part 4