Sunday, June 22, 2008

Besides the floods...

June 22, 2008

Well, the girls made it back safely from Teen Week in Nauvoo. We were a little worried Bob wouldn’t be able to get them since most roads to get through to the other side of town were closed down because of the floods. They returned only to find that girls camp was canceled since the campground was completely under water. (It’s rescheduled in July, but we will be partying in Utah). While they were gone, Tyler and Alayna and I went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks for the free movie and met up with Bob to go out for dinner. That night Bob caught the raging river tearing through our park on his cell phone camera. Now he needs to figure out how to post it so you can see.

So, what else has been happening to us BESIDES floods?

Bob: Bob has been playing on a softball team. His massive project at work has been drawing to a close so he has been working extra hard to complete it before the deadline. He and the kids have also been putting the basketball hoop to good use.

Marisa: Since camp was canceled Marisa was finally able to relax, sleep in, and read Harry Potter...again. She has been loving life. She has also earned a lot of money on our “Wii-Ward” program along with the other kids.

Kayla: She, like Marisa, has enjoyed the newfound freedom that summer brings. She is also reading Harry Potter like crazy and is beating me!

Tyler: Tyler finally got his trombone and started lessons which he LOVES! He practices a lot which makes some funny noises around here. He is also reading Harry Potter!

Alayna: She has become a book fiend. She has earned some free things from the library and is doing some great reading all by herself. I am so impressed. She also spends a ton of time outside since the weather, at least the last few days, has been lovely.

Kris: Well, my laptop died...again!!! Don’t ever buy an HP Pavilion! I have also spent several hours at the school getting info I need for my new job and moving some of my boxes to the room. It’s a huge room and they just waxed the floors and repainted everything. It looks awesome so far! I have so much to do before school starts so I am carefully trying to find a balance between that, Primary, and a NEED to relax for the summer! No easy task.

Well, hugs and kisses to everyone! We hope to see everyone in Wyoming and Utah very soon!

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Utah- Part 4