Sunday, September 04, 2011

Sometimes it's nice to recognize that life is good WHILE life is good...

Sometimes it's nice to recognize that life is good WHILE life is good...

Several weeks ago my brother posted the above quote on facebook and I found it rather profound. I was thinking this week that it really fit. It is nice to recognize when life is good when it is actually good, instead of in hindsight.

I LOVE my new job!! I love it! I actually wake up in the morning excited and looking forward to work. How weird is that?? I have learned to check in books, check out books, cover paperbacks with the plastic covering, create barcodes and spine labels, work the new computer system.

Basically, I TOTALLY rock and I think it fits me perfectly. I really like working with the high school students. I love being able to help them and the short interaction times. I love data entry. Who knew? I entered 35 spreadsheets into the computer this week and enjoyed every minute. There could be things to complain about like the commute and no AC but its funny how even those things don’t matter as much when you actually love what you do. So, maybe I found my thing??

We have had to work hard on the logistics of where everyone is going and when. My awesome organizational skills and I came up with a cool way to keep track of this week which works great!


Other Happenings

*KROAR- Tyler auditioned for and made KROAR which is the on air announcements for the middle school. Once a week he gets to go on the intercom and read the announcements for the day. He loves it.

*Tyler started tennis last week. It has been brutally hot, but he has been doing awesome. When I pick him up each day he’s as red as a cherry tomato!

*Alayna started the new Linn Grove running club. They are training to do the Turkey Trot in November. I told her I would run it with her and she said “No thanks. I don’t want to run it”. Why won’t anyone run anything with me??

*We spent yesterday making 14 jars of salsa and our very favorite chocolate raspberry pie.




*Alayna built an awesome “fort” during the BYU game and slept in it last night. She also races through it and has us time it for a “challenge”.




*Other than the massive heat days (with a heat index of 105!) we did have a few nice evenings where Bob and the kids went out to play football.




*Do you like Kayla’s new shirt?



*Alayna’s new birthday dress and bow



*Alayna painted her jewelry box and it looks awesome. She loves to do crafts!



*Tyler renewed and redid his blog. Its totally cool so hop onto the link and go read it. Way to go Tyler!

*Hart grandparents came to celebrate Labor Day with us. We have fun plans tomorrow.  Transformers anyone?


The Borden Family said...

You are right, life is good. So many tomatoes. Someday we're gonna have to try some of that salsa. All the kids were sad looking at Kayla's lemon shirt. Glad to see it's cooling off for you guys too. Do you have time for FHE on MOndays? That schedule is enormous!

Bob and Kristina Hart Family said...

WHats FHE? Just kidding! We usually have to do ours on Sunday since our weekly schedule is a bit of a nightamre! Ill send you the salsa recipe- its our very favorite. Every kid loves it. Its cooler and gorgeous today and boy did we need a day off!

Utah- Part 4