This week was National Library Week. I was overwhelmed by the kindness shown to me at the MS. I was flooded by literally hundreds of letters, plus cards and flowers and they had a secret potluck of amazing food. I was so touched. Over and over I read letters from children saying what a difference I have made in their lives and how much they love reading now because of me. The timing couldn’t have been better! It was like hundreds of tiny guilt trips for me leaving and the kids don’t even know)
We had an amazing day with Mike Mullin! What a great guy! He did an assembly at the middle school and signed books for 2 hours! His presentation was so exciting and full of energy and the kids just loved him!!! Then he did the assembly at the high school and signed autographs for 2 hours, plus we had a very successful staff survival potluck. Then I had arranged a tour of the Anamosa Prison (since he wrote about it but never went inside). Then we had dinner at the public library where he did another presentation and signed books. It was a long day for us both but I learned so much and it was great to be around someone so awesome! BTW- I got to watch him break 3 bricks with his bare hand!!!
On Friday, Mary and I taught the professional development. We made it fun by playing Kahoot (where everyone hooks in with their own device). I made questions about things we didn’t know about all the staff members. They loved it! We even had prizes and provided popcorn. Then we showed them how to set up their own staff webpage (which only 4 had done, including me and Mary) and how to make a professional ePortfolio. Then we actually gave them time to work on it and helped walk many through it for the afternoon. It was a HUGE hit and we have received tons of letters about how that was the best PD they have had in a long time.
I received a fitting gift in the mail this week! I can’t wait to wear it! Thank you Mom and dad!!!
So, what is the update on the job? I went to meet with the superintendent this week and explained everything to her. Long story short, because of even more budget cuts, they cant put me at the middle school fulltime and they cant afford me part-time and someone else at the HS part time, because it will cost them more money. She was kind, a good listener, and told me that even she has seen what a difference I have made. Apparently the MS principal went to her to see if there was any way they can keep me. But I was told that the only way to stay was to stay at both the MS and the HS. I explained to her that the ONLY way I would even consider staying would be is 1) we start on a completely clean slate. None of this ever happened. 2) I won’t tolerate people spying on me and reporting to the principal. If she has a question, she comes straight to me. 3) The para is transferred out of the library (that’s nonnegotiable) and 4) She NEVER EVER pulls me into a threatening meeting ever again. She comes straight to my face if she has questions. The superintendent said she would be happy to facilitate that meeting. After much prayer and discussion with Bob (and being flooded with intense support from the MS), I decided I needed to start over with the HS principal if she is willing. I have already forgiven her and interestingly enough, the speaker in sacrament cemented that what I was doing was right for me, those kids, and my family. We worked as a family too so I can find ways to drop the stress and work no extra hours including not bringing work home. So, will she meet with me? I don't know. I have no idea what this week will bring. But I know I am doing what HF thinks is best and I am doing all I can to stay for the kids who need me. It depends on how the meeting goes whether or not I stay. This way I contonue to support our kids in college until next summer where if we need to move, we can. Wish me luck….
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