Saturday, February 25, 2017

A quick work update

You can always keep up to date with what I am doing at work on my work blog, but I wanted to share a couple of things with you.

I still love my job and I am incredibly grateful for it and all the support and success.  It is wonderful to feel happy at my job!

I have been able to connect my students with some amazing people and places and it has been incredibly rewarding!

We skyped with:

1. An elephant sanctuary- we heard so many sad but cool stories!


2. Jennifer Nolan at the Oceanic Institute about Sea Turtles and sharks.  Her photographer is one of the 1st ever to become a professional at noncage diving with sharks.  Here he is with a Tiger shark’'


This is a picture of her with her family…and a shark! Next family picture goal!!!


I have also been in contact with a great lady who rescues brown pelcians (we will be skyping with her soon!) In 2 weeks we skype with the turtle hospital and in May we will be skyping with the “Unhuggables”: snakes, tarantulas, etc!  I also got us registered to skype with the guys who will be climbing Everest as well as a scientist in the arctic.  My goal of global connections has really come to life and the excitement has been contagious!

I have also been working with students to make cards for OUR and my friend in the hospital who was burnt horribly in a bad accident.


And look what was in my box at school…all thank you notes for me!


Clearly there is a reason I was never in the Evil Planners movies- I truly SUCK in front of a camera. BUT, are some clips of me so you can see some of the cool things I am doing in my library with Tinker Crates and Ozobots!

Have you seen our green screen family videos? Enjoy!


and awesome video of Marisa and Jared in the Luau:

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Utah- Part 4