Saturday, February 03, 2018

Oh the germs…

It’s been a tough couple of week health wise. I had a stomach virus and missed work (the day before that we had 17 teachers gone). Then  I was pretty sure I had strep and an ear infection. I went to the walkin clinic where the dr told me he was pretty sure I had influenza A and I should go home The test results were negative so it ended up being a virus that mimics the flu. I was miserable all the same.  I had forced relaxation which I desperately needed- but man have i sick issues this year!  Alayna also came down with the same thing and missed a day of school. Ugh!

Netflix, meds, weighted blanket, apple cider, toasted Velveeta sandwiches and soup….


Then Tyler went down hard!  I took him in and he tested positive for Influenza A.  He was down for an entire week!  We quarantined him downstairs and thank heavens none of us have gotten it yet!


We've had crazy weather here, as always, and Im really looking forward to sun and sand in the Caribbean soon!




More snow today…


But look these beautiful flowers are blooming!


Bob took me to Ihop over the weekend for Valentines day and he got me this super cool 3D card!


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Happy to get pics this week!


2 of me new favorites: Those faces!!!

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Utah- Part 4