Monday, February 27, 2006

Feb 27, 2006

February 27, 2006

Another very busy week flew by. I am truly amazed at how many things go on around here. Let’s see...

Marisa had her choir concert on Tuesday night. They did a great job and sounded even better than last time. They have a wonderful conductor. However, Marisa just found out that she is retiring this year, so we are very sad about that. She is Marisa’s favorite teacher.

Marisa also had her business fair this week. They each had to come up with an item to make and sell. She chose to do chocolate molds. We worked hard for 2 nights and made about 250 chocolate molds. I was able to go with her to the fair. The whole middle school was able to come buy things. She sold 39 items which I thought was so great. She was disappointed because I think she had the high expectation of selling them all. I think she did an amazing job and I am so proud of her and all her hard work. The fair was a huge success. The 6th graders do it as part of a reading and science unit

Wednesday was such a long freaking day. I am recording it here not so much for your reading pleasure, but to get credit for that very long day. We started by getting up at 6:30 as usual and got the kids out the door. Then Alayna had her gymnastics class (which she loves, by the way!) Then we went and did a huge shopping run at the new Walmart (always fun!) And we went to Michaels to get more molds for Marisa’s project. Then we were off to register Alayna for preschool next year. We will be moving her to MWF class. (She seemed to do ok with her new teacher this week) Then we went to the Playstation for a huge good bye party for Miss Betsy (her preschool teacher). Alayna did lose me at one point and went into hysterics (another whole story altogether). Then we went home and started making tons of molds, picked up kayla from math club, took the kids to volleyball, then the Kayla had activity days while Marisa and I made molds and watched my VT kids. Whew! I survived...

Bob and I had our dinner club on Friday night. Marisa got together with some of the young women and arranged a mass babysitters club for that night here at our house. I think there were 20 kids here! But they did a great job and it helped out those parents who needed babysitters. They plan to do it each month. Anyway, it was a Valentine dinner with Prime Rib and then 4 couples were part of the Newlywed game. Bob and I were chosen to play and it was so hilarious. We lost, but that’s ok, we learned some very interesting things about each other: Bob doesn’t know Alayna’s birthdate, I didn’t know that Catherine Zeta Jones was Bob’s favorite actress, Bob didn’t know my favorite drink , and I had no clue what he thought he wanted to grow up to be. Oh well, we had a great date evening and that’s what counts (although you should have seen the winning basket! It was FULL of chocolate and all sorts of goodies. Dang!)

Marisa had her very first “out of the family” babysitting job on Saturday night. She watched 3 kids (5,3,1) for 6 hours. She did such a great job and even made money! She wants to put it straight in the bank and you can bet I am encouraging that.

I traveled to Anamosa on Sunday and heard the coolest youth speak for Seminary Sunday. They each spoke on their favorite hero of the book of Mormon. I loved the guy who spoke on one of my favorites “Teancum: the coolest assassin in the BOM”. It was amazing to hear these kids speak.

We have a busy night ahead: math club, volleyball, FHE, Alayna’s new favorite game “UNO” and 24! Our love to you all!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

A friend for dinner

My gorgeous flowers delivered to me Valentines day!

"friends" for dinner

Making Valentines for school

Alayna running in a leotard with a big giant sheet...

Feb 19, 2006

February 19, 2006

I am finding it hard to find a good time to write the newsletter. This whole month I have been traveling with the Stake , so the Sundays seem to be gone before I know it. Last week we traveled up to Wavely and Fayette, almost 2 hours from here. Waverly finally got a chapel which is so exciting! Today we are visiting all 3 Cedar Rapids wards, so at least I can be there to help Bob with the kids during Sacrament.

We ended up with one snow day which was kind of silly. We were told this gigantic storm was headed in and would drop 6-8 inches overnight- we got about 2, but they cancelled school anyway, which I didn’t mind. But now we have to do a makeup day. Oh well. It is 4 degrees outside and was -10 yesterday. Mighty chilly if I do say so myself. A great excuse to stay in doors and play.

Speaking of playing, we got to watch some really fun movies this week. Sky High was so cute and we laughed so hard during it! Then we enjoyed Zathura on Friday night. What an adventure! Last night, Bob, Tyler and I watched half of Batman Begins. I love it so far. I like it way better than the past Batmans that have been made. Can’t wait to see the end...

The girls start volleyball this week. Marisa is going to give it a try this session. It will be fun for them to play on a team together. Alayna has another session of gymnastics starting this week. Tyler was supposed to test for his orange belt this weekend, but it was two hours away so we decided to wait so he can test closer to home. We got notice that next week is Alayna’s preschool teachers last day. I am so very sad, she is an excellent teacher. I guess she is going into banking. We are really going to miss her. I hope they get another great teacher.

We finished our car and home 72 hour kits. I even laminated emergency cards for each of us to put in our bags. I feel so relieved to have that done.

Well, I guess that’s it for now. Hope everyone had a Happy Valentines Day!!

Utah- Part 4