Sunday, December 28, 2008

Enjoying warmer weather

Chocolate snowballs

Frosting cookies

Making cookies

Alayna's new haircut

Wii got it!

December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone!! We have had such a wonderful week! Who knew that this “relaxing” thing could be so fun!! It will be brutal when school starts again and I have to get up 6 hours earlier than I am now!!!

We had a fun week preparing for Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we made tons of Christmas goodies and delivered plates to our friends and neighbors on the ice covered streets. (Apparently that warehouse that held all our city salt for the winter was destroyed during the summer floods, so we have a salt shortage.) We also got Alayna’s hair cut and it looks adorable. She says she looks like “Alice” from Twilight. (Don’t worry- she didn’t see the movie, but with Twilight fanatics around here, she was bound to learn about it.)

Christmas was such a beautiful day. Everything turned out just perfect. Thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts you all sent to make it such a great day. We had a relaxing day playing games, watching movies, and really enjoying time as a family.

The kids have been working since June to earn a Wii by doing chores, helping around the house, etc. They have worked very hard and finally reached their goal! We surprised them with the Wii for Christmas. I should have caught the reaction on videotape because it was absolutely priceless! Tyler had a blood-curdling scream which was appeared to be a mix of sheer terror and total joy. It was hilarious. Yesterday, Bob created brackets and we had a family Wii tournament all day. Apparently I don’t use my right arm very much because I can barely use it today. The kids love it and have each created some pretty funny mii’s.

One day Bob and the kids went out to play in the snow. They built forts (took 1 hour) and then proceeded to have a snowball fight (lasted 5 minutes). They all came in freezing and scarfed up some hot cocoa. The funny thing is the next day we had this HUGE thunderstorm that came through and melted all the snow. That night it totally froze into sheets of ice and then it dumped about 1-2 inches of snow. Always exciting weather here I tell ya!

I think that is a quick summation of our week. Hope you all had a wonderful and joyous Christmas and are having a relaxing vacation.

Utah- Part 4