August 15
Teen Week
The girls had another fantastic teen week at the Harts in Illinois! I am so proud of Marisa making the long trip there and back and Kayla being the awesome navigator (using the TOMTOM of course!) Here’s what they did the few days they were there:
Sun. - Arrival (finally all together about 4:30), played a few games, planned our week, dinner
Mon. - Temple (each of them performed 10 - 11 names, 64 all together), lunch in park, Nauvoo Scavenger Hunt, Visitor's Center and movie, Adventure Zone (go carts, video games, table tennis, pizza), BYU International Folk Dancers, Play Station American Idol.
Tues., - Service Project (lifting and transporting old mattress to dumpster), Photo Scavenger Hunt, lunch, American Idol, BB Gun shooting, Mystery Theater, dinner, 5 min. Masterpieces, watched last year's Teen Week DVD, Make Me Laugh Game, Latter-Day Night Live DVD.
Holey Moley! More canning!
We started out the week making 7 jars of spaghetti and 5 cans of tomatoes. Yesterday we made 10 more jars of salsa! I’m excited that we will have all these during the winter! Speaking of looking forward to the cold…
And so it begins…
Our first day back to school (as teachers), my room had no AC. It was unbearably hot (at least 100 degrees I swear) and I couldn’t open the windows because we were under a heat advisory and the temperature outside with the heat index was over 100! Do you remember the wicked witch in “Wizard of Oz” when she gets water thrown on her and she starts screaming, “I’m melting! I’m melting”? That was me. (It was all dramatic like that too!) If I had had the pointy hat and the cape on, the kids would say that it matched my personality that day as well.
The temperature was much better the next day and my room is all set up and looking great. I have been working hard getting everything organized for those 1st few days of school which start this Wednesday.
The end of summer
Our kids are trying to live up their last few remaining days of freedom. I have this gut feeling it’s gonna be a long year! We went to cold stone one night and tried out Zoe’s pizza on another. We went walking too, but it was so hot we almost had more “melting” incidents.
(Does this scream Iowa or what?)My marvelous magnificent magic migraine shot
I have been having migraines for quite some time. This time, the headache lasted 6 days and I knew I needed to get into a doctor quick when I started spending my day thinking of all the ways I could detach my head from my body. Bless that doctor’s heart- he gave me a shot of Immitrex which made the headache go away. I almost jumped over the table to give him a giant hug, but I thought better of it. Anyway, now that I’ve been diagnosed, I will be going into meet with my doctor to come up with a preventative plan. That will be super-awesome!
Swimming lessons
Alayna finished up her swimming lessons. She got brave enough to do the diving board on the last day! She even went 4 times! I had to work so I didn’t get to see it, but Marisa took some pictures for me.
(Alayna on the diving board)
Tyler, the comedian
Tyler is one of the funniest kids I know. He is like this walking beam of joy. He said a couple of really funny things this weekend that I just have to share.
Friday night, we watched this movie called “The Invisible”. The main girl character wore her hair up in a knit cap for most of the movie. At the end, she took the cap off and Tyler said, “Why would she wear that dumb hat when she has such beautiful hair?” We all stared at him with our jaws dropped and then started laughing. He made a good point!
Yesterday, while canning salsa, I put on my new favorite song called “Like we used to” by Rocket to the Moon. It’s kind of a sad song where this couple broke up, and the girl has a new boyfriend and the old boyfriend wants to know if she does stuff with the new boyfriend like she used to do with him. (How’s THAT for an explanation?) Anyway, at the end of the song, while peeling tomatoes, Tyler said, “I have NO idea why she broke up with that guy. He sounds like such a nice guy!”
So, between that, and him crump dancing to a slow 80s song, he keeps us very entertained!
How much can you pack into one day?
We should win some sort of prize for all we accomplished yesterday! We made 10 cans salsa and 6 frozen meals for when school starts (2 enchiladas, turkey broccoli casserole, manicotti, shell noodle casserole, etc). We deep cleaned the house, mowed the front and back yards as well as weeded them. We made PB cookies with the kisses on top. We watched a movie. I did about 4 hours of work for school (like taping spoons on my pencils so I can deter students from being pencil-stealers!) We did the laundry, the dishes, and finished off a giant list of things to do. Sometimes we totally rock!
(Taking a break from canning to dance)
And this sums up how we all felt when the day was done (I didnt get to bed until 2!)