August 14, 2005
I traveled to Mt. Vernon today with the stake. It’s a small church on a beautiful piece of land with corn fields behind. It is always neat to visit other wards and, as in this case, branches, but I am always reminded how grateful I should be that we are in a big ward!
We had a busy week trying to get ready for school to start. Kayla and I went on a Mommy/Daughter date to go shopping and get her some pants. We cleaned out all her drawers and found she only had 2-3 pairs of pants for next year. We were very successful and found some cute stuff. I also took all the kids to the dentist and only one (Kayla) has to come back for 2 fillings. I also took Marisa to the orthodontist. She is all set for braces now. So, once we work out some financing, she will get them. She is excited, but when she got the list of things she shouldn’t eat, she was shocked. She loves to chew ice.
We also went to see the free movie this week. It was called "Two Brothers". It wasn’t exactly what I would call a kids movie. Apparently Alayna didn’t either. It lost her attention within 10 minutes and then she became a total nightmare. I ended up sitting out in the hall with her. Somedays, I really wish she would hurry and grow up!
Speaking of movies, we finished watching "Gone with the wind" with the kids this week. We all got a big kick out of it. Then we finally finished the series "Into the West". Bob, Marisa, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have always enjoyed history and I enjoyed how this series was put together.
Bunny report: We had a very sad incident this week. We continued checking on the bunnies each day after their mommy fed them. On Tuesday, we checked on the bunnies again and there was only one left in the hole. Then we found one two feet away that looked like his neck had been slashed. Kayla was in hysterics. It took a while to calm her down. We thought maybe the mom moved the other babies, but yesterday we found one skeleton in the corner of our yard. We saw a ferret looking thing in our tomatoes the other day. I have a feeling that is responsible. Anyway, the mom has come back every night and day to feed the bunny that was left and has kept a vigil watch over him. He has become almost part of the family. We have been checking on him every day. On Saturday, I made this mistake of moving the cover of grass over his hole, only for a second, and he up and bolted out of the hole. I am sure Bob has never seen me run like that: bent over at the waist and scooting all over the yard. I finally caught him and out him back in the hole. This morning, he was gone, but mom is still there. Now we are worried where he might have gone. Hopefully somewhere the mommy can find him. Oh, the drama...
Sadly enough, I have no pictures to share from this week. (Except ones taken by Alayna when she snuck my camera.) Hope you are all enjoying your week. I will be doing my best to bask in the enjoyment of my last week of summer vacation (including tons of home projects, Marisa’s school orientation, the kids back to school parent nights, etc.) Next week, 6:30am will be like an early smack upside my head. I am surely ready for everyone to go back to school, I will just miss my sleep!
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