December 17, 2006
Can Christmas really be so close? Wow! We are hoping for a very enjoyable and relaxing holiday break. This week is a busy one. I work every day but Tuesday, I am working the 7th grade Medieval festival that Marisa is in, the kids have their holiday parties, etc.
On Friday, Marisa’s chamber orchestra had a Holiday Tour. They performed at Cottage Grove and then I met up with them at the mall. I got to each lunch with her and her friends there and then they performed in the mall. It was a FANTASTIC performance and I just can’t believe how good she is getting. The acoustics where they performed were so great. It was so fun to be there. Then we got to walk around the mall and Alayna even got her picture taken with Santa Clause!
A teacher at Excelsior just found out this week she has breast cancer. (She is not a member but her daughter in law happens to be my visiting teacher!) So, I am covering her class this week when she goes in for surgery and then covering in January for whatever chemo or radiation treatment she will need. It will be one week or a 6 week set. I should know Monday which one she has to do. I am worried about her- she is pretty scared. I can’t blame her, I would be terrified.
Other than that, not much else new is going on. I am home with 2 sick kids- bad colds going around. Hopefully we can keep everyone well to just get through this week! Oh, and our family was asked to sing in church next week. We have been practicing and our harmony sounds pretty good, if I do say so myself. Marisa will also be playing her violin for one of the verses.
We are getting excited for Christmas. Hopefully all of you have received our Christmas letter. If not, let me know, or I just posted it on our blog. Enjoy your week and we love you!
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