Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Weeks flying by (October 16, 2007)

October 16, 2007

What a week! We came home one day to find that our water softener had overflowed and flooded a portion of the bottom floor, including a good portion of Tyler’s room. We paid an arm and a leg to find out a small wood chip had lodged itself in the water hole. That was so stupid! We have fans running trying to dry all the carpet we had to pull up. Argh!

We have also been sharing a nasty cold. Bob and Marisa were sick this weekend, Kayla and I were sick the week before, and Alayna and Tyler the week before that. Except for Bob, we are all better now.

The teacher I am subbing for goes in for a C-section this Friday so I start full time next week and will sub for 8 weeks. I am excited but it will be a lot of work!

We watched a FANTASTIC movie this weekend. I highly recommend “Flyboys”. I even watched it twice.

I am still doing Activity Days. We are trying to split our group since I have 18 girls! Last week we sewed scripture bags for the sunbeams.

Marisa finished up volleyball and now looks forward to some time off until tennis season starts.
Tyler had the funniest dream I have ever heard about a Canadian Goose. I don’t have to write it up now, but if someone reminds me, I will write it up this week.

Kayla started the dance team. She says they teach it really fast, but she is going to keep trying.
Tyler is LOVING the Linn Grove choir!

Its red ribbon week and Tyler and Alayna have been participating in the fun days at their school. Yesterday was crazy hair day. We spiked Tyler’s hair to stand straight up on his head and we stuck Alayna’s up in a big loop so she looked like a who from “whoville”. Today she dressed like a cheerleader and Tyler like a basketball day for Sports Day. Tomorrow is pajama day. Unfortunately my camera batteries were dead and so I don’t have any cute pictures. Sorry. I guess I wont be winning the mom of the year award?

This week I have had 3 Parent-teacher conferences. (WE had Tyler’s a few weeks ago before his teacher went on maternity leave) All great reports!

Okay, that’s another fast 2 week summation. Until next week…

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Utah- Part 4