Sunday, January 20, 2008

It couldn't possibly be colder...

January 20, 2008

I wouldn’t use the word “cold” to describe the temperature here this week. I wouldn’t use the word “frigid” either. Let’s see…what describes something so bitterly cold that your car doors freeze shut, your roads turn to ice, and when you breathe through your nose it turns into icicles?? The weatherman says that in these conditions it only takes 20 minutes for frostbite to set in. Oh, fun. Ok, so I can’t find a good word, but I will tell you that with the wind-chill factor it has been (-25) degrees. It’s brutal…yep that’s it…”brutal”.
Oh the busyness of it all. When does life stop speeding up and start slowing down to that really nice, slow, relaxing pace? Next week is even crazier.
Alayna hasn’t been up to anything new. She is doing some fun things at school and loves to be home playing on the computer. I should probably not encourage the whole computer thing, but hey, that keeps her from cutting her hair, dumping shampoo, sneaking all the cookies or any of the other assorted activities in which she likes to spend her time. I may not win mother of the year, but I shall keep my sanity!
Tyler had his last basketball game on Saturday and his team won. This weekend he and Bob spent making his pinewood derby car for the big showdown on Thursday. He spent a lot of time sanding it and painting it black. Then they found out it was way to light. Next thing I know, they are taping a screwdriver to the top to add on some weight. Tyler thinks its so cool and he calls it “The Jousting Machine”. So silly!
Kayla has started with a new math club after school. She starts intramural basketball at school this week. Marisa’s geography bee got pushed to this Tuesday instead. I will let you know how she does. She has also been very busy trying to practice before the Metro auditions. We register her for her high school courses next Monday. Crazy!
I have been studying like crazy. I am trying to complete these classes as fast as possible. I actually enjoy the class (early adolescent development). Found out LinnMar has a new application process with 30 pages all online. That should be fun. I read an article this week about the teacher shortage in Utah…its enough to make me cry.
Tomorrow we finally have a day off of school. We have dentist appointments in the morning, but then we are playing all afternoon. We will meet Bob for lunch at Pancheros, go shopping, and probably go see “Alvin and the Chipmunks”. Notice all activities are indoors... we wouldn’t want that frostbite to set in now would we?

Have a great week-
Kris, bob and kids

PS- A special thanks to everyone who read our website this week. We sent out New Years Cards and finally got people to look. We had a record 27 people peek in. Thanks for checking it out and feel free to say hi anytime.

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Utah- Part 4