Sunday, December 14, 2008

Concerts, colds, and a date night

December 14, 2008

Monday: Marisa had an orchestra concert and did a great job. I am always amazed at how wonderful the HS orchestra sounds.

Tuesday: School and other activities were canceled due to an ice storm. We were supposed to get 6 inches of snow on top of the ice but the snow didn’t come. The roads were very very slick! The kids made a gingerbread house (I won't tell you how we cheated)

Thursday: A day of pure insanity. I won’t list it all, but we did have two concerts that night. Alayna and I went to Tyler’s vocal concert where he had a solo. He has such an elegantly beautiful voice and I was so impressed. You have to be brave to do a solo in front of so many people! Then Bob, Tyler, and Kayla went to Marisa’s Chamber orchestra concert that had some pieces with the HS jazz band. I heard it was pretty awesome!!

Friday: Date night. We haven’t been on a date forever! Wait- I will tell you all about it. We went to Walmart!! (haha) We ate dinner at the Subway there, then shopped for Christmas presents for 4 hours, and then went to Culver’s for frozen custard before we went home. Although not exactly romantic, it was very productive and I now have almost all the Christmas shopping done!! Whoo-hoo!! (Did any of you receive our Christmas cards we sent out?)

Saturday: Tyler was up all night with an awful cold and ended up missing his all day Lego League competition. He was devastated! We spent the whole day trying frantically to catch up on life. Bob took the kids to the ward party while I stayed home with Tyler and folded laundry. Let me tell you how exciting that was! But I hear it was more exciting than the ward party, so that’s cool.

Sunday: Now Alayna was up last night and she is very sick. So, I stayed home with Tyler and Alayna who have gone through an entire box of Kleenex just this morning!

Coming up this week:
*Tonight- Giant Survivor Party…Go BOB!!!!!!!
*I will be observed by the principal tomorrow. (Talk about massive serious stress!!)
*Alayna has her school musical on Tuesday and she has a special speaking part. Maybe I can remember to record her speaking part and post it?
*Last week of school before break.
*Massive ice storm hitting tonight. With the windchill the temp will be -20!!!

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Utah- Part 4