Sunday, April 19, 2009

What does spring cleaning mean to you?

April 19, 2009

What does Spring Cleaning mean to you? Around here it means, “OMGSH, mom has totally lost it! Run for your lives!!” I really wasn’t planning on starting my spring cleaning until school gets out. But, life has been so stressful lately and cleaning and organizing lower my stress level. Trust me when I say it’s a curse! Yesterday, I started the Saturday ritual of deep cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, etc. Somehow it spiraled out of control and we ended up rearranging the upstairs living room and exercise room. We also got our cool new BOM posters up. I didn’t even come close to finishing but I am off to a great start. Don’t be surprised if one of my kids calls and begs to come live with some of you the next month or so.

Marisa had State solo and ensemble yesterday. Both her solo and her ensemble made Division 1 in State!! As a Freshman! That is so awesome! She has had an incredibly busy schedule with Les Miserable and tennis every day after school. She had a tennis challenge and moved up her position on the team.
From Marisa:
Good News!!
A couple of years ago my school's music department sent in some tapes to the Grammys for a "Grammys in the schools" competition. We got into the top 40 schools. THIS year my school entered again (because you can only enter every 3 years or something) and we got into the top 8 schools!! That means that my school's music department is one of the very best in the nation!! All of the other schools in the top were from big cities in Texas, California, etc. or were special music-focused schools, but our school in little Marion, Iowa still made it up there. To even be in the top 40 schools means that the choir, band, AND orchestra all have to be top notch and we made it to the top 8!! I was very exited. You can go to this link to see more about it:

Grandma and Grandpa Hart came for Easter weekend and Tuesday they did a really cool science presentation on “sound” for Tyler and Alayna’s classes. I think they were a real hit!

Not much else new is going on. We are very busy with the same old same old. The weather has been gorgeous and we have all been trying to soak up all the sunshine possible. 35 days of school left- not that I’m counting! I’m more than ready for summer to arrive.


Hal and Corey Hart said...

I love the pictures up, they look really neat. Congratulations to Marisa on her solo and ensemble competition as well as the high school for being 8 in the music competition - how blessed you are to be involved in such a great program. Do you think you got some of that talent from your grandparents (both Riberas and Harts)?

The Borden Family said...

Hey looks good guys. I bet that house is sparkling. Congrats Marisa. You are going to be a tough act to follow for all your younger cousins.....way to trail blaze my friend.

Utah- Part 4