Sunday, April 05, 2009

You know it was a good day if you didn’t hit or bite anyone

April 5, 2009

1. My best friend at work gave me a card this week that said, “You know it was a good day if you didn’t hit or bite anyone!” I laughed dang hard! I was thinking you need to teach middle school to get this, but then it dawned on me that we probably ALL feel that way some days.

2. “Wouldn’t it suck if every Spring you knew you would get fat?” Tyler asked one day. You can only imagine what type of look crossed my face and thought crossed my mind (Oh my heck! Does he think I get fatter every spring??) When I asked what he meant he launched into a huge explanation about the fat robins in our yard and how huge their tummies are. When I said that it’s because they are having babies, Tyler said “I KNOW that, but wouldn’t it suck?” Man! I died laughing. What a funny kid!

3. What kind of spring is this anyway?? We have yet another darn snowstorm coming in tonight!! Snow? We are DYING to go outside, play tennis, and ride bikes. Not sled down the driveway!! Poor Kayla had 3 days of tennis outside in 38 degrees and 40 mile an hour winds. She came home looking like a “Kayla Popsicle”. I am surprised she doesn’t have pneumonia. Marisa started tennis this week too, but was able to practice inside and do weight training. She made the JV team!

4. Anyone else loving the seasons of “Lost” and “24” this year?? So awesome!!

1 comment:

Burro123 said...

i do think that would stink if i had to be fat every spring.

Utah- Part 4