Sunday, April 18, 2010

A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.

April 18, 2010

A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.- Doug Larson

Yesterday, we had a “kick-butt-in-the-garden-and-yard” day. I mowed the front yard and Bob edged it. We had to weed the rose bushes again and pick up trash. Then, in the backyard, we weeded the garden again and planted lettuce and spinach. I tripped and about 30 spinach seeds fell into the cilantro plant! So, maybe this year I will grow a Spilantro?? We also mowed the back yard (Alayna and Kayla did most of that). We had to pick up lots of trash that blew into our yard. We found a nest with 3 blue eggs in it! Don’t worry, we didn’t touch it. Our raspberries have taken off like some sort of entity ready to take over the world. Our apple trees finally blossomed and they are so beautiful!


(The apple blossoms)


(Alayna “interior decorating” the play house)




After that, we started on the playground area. It has been completely overtaken by weeds. We decided the easiest way to take care of the area would be to clear it and plant grass. We spoke too soon as “easy” is the complete opposite of what it is turning out to be. Four of us worked over 2 ½ hours and only cleared about 1/4th of it. We had to pull up the wood that went around the playground area. We found that they were put in with huge metal spikes. No wonder they were so hard to pull out! There is only one word that can describe the weeds in the playground: b-r-u-t-a-l! Those weeds have built an entire metropolis- I kid you not! They even have a transit system in place (Their roots are like intercrossed wires). They had grown above AND below the plastic. So, we would have to rip out the weeds on top, then rip out the plastic and then pull all the weeds underneath. The fattest worms I have ever seen reside there. I dreamt about giant worms trying to attack me- it wasn’t as cool as it sounds. And, considering I only slept about 2 hours last night, I’m surprised I dreamt at all. My back doesn’t take too well to pulling up acres of weeds.


(Before pics- see all the weeds??)


(Another before pic)


(Took 2 1/2 hours just to clear that small dirt patch you can see. ugh!)

“Life is like a game of tennis; the player who serves well seldom loses”

On Tuesday, we went as a family to play tennis as soon as Marisa’s tennis practice was over. I tried to get some pictures but my battery was dying and the lighting wasn’t the best. However, the weather was GORGEOUS and we got to see an incredible sunset. Bob and I played a doubles match against Marisa and her friend. We lost, but I am proud to say the score was close.






Kayla’s game on Monday was cancelled, but she had one Thursday. She lost both her doubles match and singles match, but that’s ok. She is improving and brimming with self confidence! Marisa had a match on Friday. She won her doubles match but not the singles.

Marisa tennis team

(Marisa’s tennis team: She is back row, 4th from the right)

"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland

Here is my “brag corner” again!

1. Mom- Best news of the week….<drum roll please> I get to keep my job!! I am so thrilled that I didn’t get laid off and I even get to keep my same awesome hours!! It doesn’t get better than this (well, only teaching 7th grade social studies would be better!)

2. Dad- Well, this isn’t part of the brag corner, per se, its just plain funny. Bob totally split his pants when we were working on the playground yesterday. So much so, that we cant exactly take a picture of it, if you get my drift…

3. Marisa- Marisa was accepted into the National Honor Society this week!! She will be inducted in May. She also scored 19th in the whole state on the National French Exam. Then, yesterday, she scored in Division 1 (the top division) in the State Solo/ensemble competition!!

4. Kayla- Kayla has found that she loves working with her hands: cooking, building, sewing, etc. She definitely doesn’t get that from me. This week in tech she and her group made this awesome house out of Popsicle sticks, but we forgot to get a picture. For her next class project she is designing and creating a huge picture frame and then a case that goes on your wall (like a shadow box) out of wood.  She even cuts all the wood herself. We will definitely take pictures when she is done. She is so creative!!

5. Tyler- Tyler is racing through the 39 Clues Books. Good thing I have them as leverage. It was the only way I could convince him to get a haircut. He hates the new haircut so much that he has been walking around with a ski cap and a hoodie on. What a geek. I personally think he looks 10 times better with the shorter haircut. We need your vote. Which looks better on him?


(Tyler refusing to get his pic taken)


6. Alayna- Alayna is also starting to gain some self-confidence. This week she auditioned for a singing solo part. It’s for a program in front of the whole school for Earth Day. Whether or not she gets it, I am proud of her for trying. She has such a beautiful voice.


1 comment:

The Borden Family said...

Wow! I'm not sure where to start with the comments. So much info from you guys. yea about your job Kris. That is fantastic, I know it's been a worry for a while. We got our garden in too this week...lots of work! Sorry about your pants, Bob. Congrats to all of the kids for great work everywhere. You are an inspiration to all of us "cheering you on " on the sidelines. Spring has really kicked you guys in gear. Keep up the good work.

Utah- Part 4