Sunday, October 10, 2010

Football and Homecoming

October 10, 2010


The weather this week was amazing! It was so gorgeous and warm-even hot some days. Bob and the kids went out to play football in the back yard several evenings. Kayla is a force to be reckoned with. I think she should petition to play with the high school team! The girls also went to the LINN-Mar Homecoming football and we won at the end of a very intense game- the 1st time in like 20 years.




I didn’t even know it still existed

This has been the longest, worst week I have had in a long time. I had a horrible week at work, but I won’t go into that now. But something else weird happened…

So, Tuesday night Alayna said she wasn’t feeling well and a rash had started on her chest. By the morning the rash spread from Alayna’s head all the way to her toes. Her stomach hurt and she felt like she was going to throw up. So, I frantically tried to find a sub for my classes. I had to drag her with me to my classroom to set stuff up for the sub and leave sub notes. She started feeling worse and the rash started spreading across her face, so I called the dr and they told me I should bring her in. They did a strep test (where she gagged and started crying) and sure enough, not only does she have strep but she has scarlet fever!! Scarlet fever??? I didn’t even know it still existed! So, I had to go get her some meds, and she almost threw up in the car. We got her on the medication and then her fever spiked. It took me 3 hours to rock her to sleep that night because she was so miserable and her stomach was in so much pain.


The next morning she was even sicker. We couldn’t get the fever down, she wouldn’t eat, and her stomach hurt. I rocked her 3 hours again that night. By morning, I knew something was seriously wrong. I called the doctor on call and we came to the conclusion that Alayna was allergic to the amoxicillin. Once we got her on the new meds, she started doing better. Her fever FINALLY went down and the severe stomach cramps subsided, until the next day. Yesterday, she laid down again all day. Stomach hurt, fever kept spiking and now her bum is all chapped. She has finally started to eat a little but its hard getting anything down her.

Last night she and I were up all night again. So, I missed my 1st 5k (which I was so sad about) and I slept until 1:00 because I feel and look like death. She still has the fever today and still laying down. I hope she feels better soon- bless her heart, this hasn’t been a good week for her.


The big day finally arrived. Marisa and friends got together at 1:00 to start doing their makeup and hair. I guarantee the boys didn’t take that long to get ready. She went with David Kaiser and they went with a huge group of youth from our ward and 2nd ward. All the girls looked so beautiful. Almost every dress had to be altered to make it modest, but I was so proud of the girls for doing it. Thanks to Grandma Hart for the amazing job on Marisa’s dress!

They had a homemade dinner at Alissa’s house. Then they went to the dance and then came back to the house and played games. It sounds like they all had a wonderful evening.













The Borden Family said...

Fantastic photos Marisa! So so sorry for Alayna. We really really hope you are feeling better. It's been a tough week for alot of us,right?
There's always Monday to start over!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! I feel so sorry for Alayna! The poor girl. I hope she gets feeling better soon. Strep throat is nasty all by it's self, I can't imagine that combined with scarlet fever. I'm glad to hear that homecoming went well though!

Grace Hart said...

I hope Alayna gets feeling better! And Marisa looked gorgeous, love the red dress!

Utah- Part 4