Sunday, April 15, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy




1. Tyler- earned his 1st class in scouts!  We asked him before the Court of Honor if he would be getting anything and he said no, so we missed it!  Ugh!!!

2. Merit badge clinic- Tyler attended an all day scout clinic working on his theater and agriculture merit badge.

3.  State solo/ensemble- Marisa participated in the State solo/ensemble contest.  Should get the results tomorrow.

4.  Kayla tennis meet- she has won both meets so far!!

5.   Marisa scholarship- Marisa got a FUL TUITION scholarship to BYU! 

6. Kayla- Kayla was nominated for the National Honor Society.  She officially applied and now we are awaiting results.

7. Storage room at work- I am REALLY good at organizing.  I gotta take pics of the back storage room.

8. “The darkest hour”- movie we watched this week and I loved it!


(His team phiten, phone cover, and braces colors)

1 comment:

CinnaPatty said...

Awesome! I just told the girls that Estelle got a full ride to BYU-I for violin. Way to go girls! So proud of them.

Utah- Part 4