Sunday, March 02, 2014

BYU-I here we come!

We are excited to announce that Kayla will be going to Byu-Idaho in the fall!  We spent the week getting her all set up.  We got her an apt (Called Nauvoo!) located right next to the campus.  We declared her major as Marriage and Family Studies- haven't decided which emphasis yet.  It looks like a beautiful campus with so many fun things to do like yoga, and a glow in the dark 5K!  We are so excited for her!!!

Alayna successfully graduated from DARE (define, assess, respond, evaluate), a course they take in health.  She even won a special water bottle because you broke the record for the longest essay!


Tyler had another all day competition yesterday and they made Grand Champions again!!!!

We worked more on our painting projects.  We got paint samples for Tylers room and started the hallway.  I am thrilled with how it is turning out!  Marisa, you will hardly recognize the place when you get back!


(Walls will be Classic Silver with white trim)


(So much better than the brown and wood that I could just cry!!)

One reason we shouldn’t let Alayna paint…


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Utah- Part 4