Sunday, June 07, 2015

Projects Galore

First I have to give a HUGE thanks to Patty Hansen for checking on Tyler and bring him something special to let him know people care about him and were worried about the accident.  We were all so touched by your kindness!  We hope his luck will improve as well!



He was sick this week- his stomach kept hurting but he wouldn’t let me take him in to have it checked.  Then he discovered a HUGE bruise all the way across his abdomen (I am not allowed to post the picture).  It must have been where the seatbelt locked to hold him in place.  He was pretty sore but is doing much better this weekend!  We did spend an enormous amount of time on the phone with insurance people and the DMV.  What a nightmare and even with insurance, it cost us a ton.

We are, however, extremely grateful to be in summer vacation.  It is needed more than ever before.  We has so much that needs to be done on the house as well as focus on health and family.  This was a good week and we accomplished a lot.  Bob and I even got a date in!  We went to dinner  and then out to see the movie “San Andrea” and we just loved it!!  It’s the ultimate natural disaster film with lots of action.  We especially love the Wehrenberg Tuesday specials where tickets and concessions are only $5!

I finally finished Marisa’s mission blog book.  It’s not perfect, but I think its so cool that we can do stuff like that now.  To have her entire mission documented with her letters and pictures for our family history is so dang awesome!


I have been back on the treadmill, extremely active and FINALLY sleeping!!!  It feels wonderful to be almost back to normal.  Blood pressure is better but still high.  I am working on that.  The kids did a bike ride this week and almost died! 

ALayna is planning and cooking all the meals for the next 2 weeks for her personal progress.  Woot woot!

Bob has done a phenomenal job on the staining.  Both bathrooms and the kitchen staining are done plus he put the new handles on.  Its so beautiful that I just want to cry.

We are almost completely done with the yard work.  I FINALLY got to sew the stupid rip in the trampoline that happened over 2 years ago.  It took me 3 hours and then we got pool noodles and cut them to cover the springs since the trampoline pad was worn and ripped.  Doesn’t it look awesome?!?!


We also cleared out between the garden boxes. We are putting down black fabric to keep out the weeds and covering it with pea pebbles.  It is looking so nice!



We built a new corrugated cardboard cage for Rosie and Lily and added a ramp for them.  They love it!


I also deep cleaned the carpets in the guest room, Tylers room, and the exercise room and boy were they gross!!! 

My brother, awesome as always, got me 3 signed books at the Denver Comic-Con including a signed World War Z from Max Brooks!!  I am getting quite the collection!



I guess that’s it for this week.  Lots of projects and fun planned for this week.  Tyler has an interview at Hyvee this week- keep your fingers crossed, he needs a job!  Waiting on pic from my girls…hint hint!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

5.More.School. Days….

It was a busy week.  My body is falling apart though.  I am anxious for summer.  Thank goodness for a holiday tomorrow and only 5 more school days left.  I can make it right???

The robin eggs hatched this week and it so fun to watch the babies try to learn how to fly!


The guineas are doing well but miss the girls!



I have been gathering donated books all year so every one of my students walks out the door this summer with a book in hand!


A sweet friend on facebook posted this and it touched my heart:

“You're an amazing librarian, Kristina! If they don't come away from that school with a love of reading, it's surely no fault of yours. If everyone put as much effort into nourishing these young minds there really would be no child left behind“




Sunday, May 17, 2015

She’s alive!!!


Here is a picture of the front tree we finished:


I made the paper again for Battle of the Books


I don’t have any pictures of Tyler’s prom because he is a freaking idiot.  He had friends over the night before, (this time they weren't imaginary) but he begged me to get 5 pizzas because they were hungry and they only ate 2.  Grrrr.  They stayed up all night and then slept away Saturday.  I woke him up at almost 2:00 and he had overslept his alarm.  He had to be at pictures at 2:30.  He forgot to pick up the corsage, his car was out of gas, and his church pants werent washed so they had remnants of last Sundays dinner on them.  Grrr!  I asked where pics were being taken and he said he didn’t know but promised me pictures.  No pictures came.  He came home in between dinner and the dance because he forgot his ID- Shocker.  He said he had to stuff her in the car because her dress was so huge.  So, I have no idea how the night went and I don’t have any pictures.  Raise your hand if you know who is in a bad mood…


Marisa visiting Payson Temple

Heres a picture of Kayla- even though it’s a month old- she never shares any pictures…

Sunday, May 10, 2015

For me…

This year my picture has been in the paper and on brochures and all my pics are awful.  So, for my birthday, I wanted to get my hair cut, highlighted (all my greys were showing and I havent colored it in 3 years), styled (cause I suck at styling my own hair), and have my makeup done (because I suck at that as well).  Unfortunately, the girl I hired to do my pics backed out at the last minute and it was too late to cancel my appt. So, Bob and Alayna took my pics in the backyard.  Hopefully these can hold me over until next summer when we go to Utah and I can beg Brandi to do some for me Smile






I love the one below because I was looking at Bob- that’s my “I love Bob look”.






Edited by Brandi:

A very eventful week!

Happy 44th birthday to me!  It turned out to be a wonderful day!  They sang Happy Birthday to me at the staff meeting, a class of 5th graders made a sweet book about all the things they love about me (all filled with pics of superheroes), and my sweet family took me out to dinner.  It was perfect!  The only thing I wanted for my birthday was to get my hair cut, highlighted, styled and have my makeup done to do pictures.  I’ll share those in the next post.




We had our final battle of the books competition and party on Friday.  The final one was in front of the whole school in an assembly- 5th grade girls team vs a 6th grade boys team and the girls one.  For the year we had 177 kids participate and 43 teams.  It was the biggest one ever.  The party required 180 cupcakes, 30 pizzas, and almost 300 cookies.  It was a HUGE success!!!  I already have kids putting teams together and starting to read for next year!




It was also teacher appreciation week and I found this beauty on my desk from all of the students in the school.  Apparently I am “supermsart” and a “pickerofgoodbooks”!


We kicked off our summer reading program this week.  We already have over 5,000 minutes recorded and are ranked 109th across the world which is excellent!  I did a superhero kahoot with each class which was a huge success!!!


Happy Mothers Day to all the beautiful women in our lives!  We had a fun night out to dinner and then they let me pick my mothers day treats!



I wanted to share this awesome picture of my great-grandmother reading to my grandmother.  Isnt this beautiful?!

Also, the best gift in the world, besides the awesome video Marisa made for me that had me in stitches this morning, was being able to talk to my girls so far away!  I miss them!





If only every week could be this amazing!

Utah- Part 4