Saturday, March 26, 2016

I lost my blog mojo, has anyone seen it??

I don’t know if it was just because the last few months were so crazy or because my fatigue has been so bad, but I haven’t been very good at blogging or even taking pictures for that matter.  Too much on my plate I guess?  So here I go with our updates…

Marisa is almost done with winter semester.  She will be home around April 20th and I believe Jared will come hang with us for a while before he heads to Nauvoo.  Then she flies out April 30 to Mexico.  She will be in the city Celaya.  She is very excited to go and I can’t wait to hear about all her experiences! Maybe she will blog each week with pictures?  I rarely get pics from her but here is one I found on fb!

Marisa also got to see the Hart grandparents!



Kayla and Brandon are doing awesome! They are settled into their apartment in Rexburg and getting ready to start spring semester in April.  They will be coming in August for their reception in Cedar Rapids and to celebrate Alayna and Brandon’s birthday!  It will be the same week Marisa comes home from Mexico so we are planning to PARTY big time!  she is also doing an awesome job on their family blog- you should check it out!

Happy 20th Birthday to Kayla!!!!

Alayna starts tennis next week and is very excited for it. 

I had spring break this week (only 3 days, but I will take it!)  Tyler and Alayna had last week off.  Yesterday I had to get 2 fillings cause that's a great way to start off your spring break!  Today Bob and I had a lunch date and tomorrow I get my massage! 

Home Chef:

So we have been trying out this great new product/idea.  There are actually many companies, but we chose Home Chef to try and we have just loved it.  Basically they have about 10 meals to chose from.  You choose 3 and they send them to you in the main in a refrigerated box.  They come with all fresh ingredients and all measured out, plus the recipe.  The meals have been fun even though it takes some work because you make them from scratch.  Some have been amazing, some ok, but its all different.  They don't repeat a meal for a whole year.  The shakes are also awesome!  We have had fruity ones, a s’more shake, and next week is a peanut butter and jelly!  It has taken the stress out of shopping and planning meals.  we are saving money because most meals feed all 4 of us AND we have no leftovers so we haven't been wasting any food.  The kids are trying stuff they would never normally eat!

Anyway, we are really loving it so far!

(Chicago style pizza with spinach and roasted tomatoes)


(Spinach stuffed chicken)






Healthy green smoothie!


Flatbread greek pizza




I lost my reading mojo for a bit too.  I couldn't find a book that grabbed me.  Then, we watched “Everest”. with it being a true story, I was mesmerized and I just had to find out more.  I grabbed “Into Thin Air “ off the shelf the next day and I have been obsessed every since.



“Into thin air” is one I just couldn't put down!!  It reminded me so much of Titanic and how so many small things, many that could seem insignificant, added up to create a catastrophic event.  Jon Krakauer does an incredible job telling the story, especially since he was there and experienced it all in person.  This is a MUST READ!

Then I was drawn to “My Everest Story” with Mark Pfetzer.  He was there when the Everest disaster started, but with a different team a day or so behind.  His story is all about how he started climbing and all his experiences and how it took Grit to get there.  Written a bit lower level for middle school but entertaining nonetheless.

The new book coming out in the book fair is called “No summit out of sight”. The true story of Jordan Romero who climbed all 7 summits by the age of 16-breaking MANY world records in the process.  The book is fantastic and I loved reading his experiences.  I would kill to get him to come speak as a guest speaker!

I am also currently obsessed with the shows Brooklyn 99 and Quantico!

OH and the movie you must see that will touch your heart and make you bawl for 45 minutes is “The Cokeville Miracle”. Worth the time to see it!


Sunday, March 06, 2016

Sometimes it’s all about perspective…

This week was a busy one!  On Thursday, because of the way library has been scheduled, we had to do 16 straight Battles for Battle of the Books.  We were exhausted and so may kids and such a mess!


Then, Sherry and I got to be part of the lesson for the art kids on perspective.  I am holding a giant book and poor Sherry is a tiny lady pounding on the stupid copier!



There was a rare sighting of Marisa!

I guess thats it for this week.  Here is the link to Kaylas blog if you havent had a chance to see it yet!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Back into the Swing

Well, it took almost a month for us to unpack and get settled back into a normal routine!

The day after we got back from the wedding, I went in for an interview for the Instructional Coach position at the middle school.  For some reason, I was super relaxed.  I was offered the position less than an hour later.  Wow!  I said yes.  If nothing else, it gets me out of the HS and clearly my body can’t take the high school anymore.  I am anxious to be out of there.  I still have high hopes for LinnMar but this is a great back up position that I think I will really enjoy.

My orchids from last year have beautifully bloomed!  I thought they were dead and almost threw them out.  There’s a good gospel analogy in there somewhere..


The weather this week has been gorgeous!  Yesterday it was in the 60s!  You can tell it has been super windy though- but I dont mind.


The one bad thing about spring is the pollen count has been up so I havent slept the past 3 nights.  Bob has another infection starting.  We just want to feel good and be normal- is that too much to ask??

For Valentines Day, Bob got me some beautiful flowers and the book I have been dying for!!!


Not much else is going on and to be honest I really prefer it this way!

The aftermath

You could tell I was super tired by Saturday night.  For the reception, I forgot all the cute pens we bought for the tables. I forgot all the drinks, so poor Corey and Hal had to run to the store before the reception to get drinks, cups, and ice.  Then, when the cake was delivered I realized I had forgotten the plates, forks, and napkins, so someone had to run to the store and get those too.  I am one of the most organized people on the planet and all of this was planned for, but I think I was truly in survival mode.  Despite all of that, that day was a beautiful, truly wonderful success and thank you to everyone who helped us out!!!

The next day as we were about to travel out, we heard the freeway was closed again.  By the time breakfast was over, the road had reopened and we were on our way home!  Two of Nina’s kids got sick that day throwing up with that same stomach bug.  Thank goodness they didn't have to fly out until the next day, but by then, poor Tara had it too and literally threw up as she was boarding the plane!!

The next morning, as we were in the hotel breakfast room, I wasn't feeling so hot.  I ended up throwing up my breakfast but I had incredible aim and got it all back in my cereal bowl.  Pretty impressive!  It was a long drive home, and we hot the aftermath of a blizzard by Des Moines.  We counted over 22 cars/trucks off the road in the ditch and half of those were flipped over.  Nothing feels better than getting home and sleeping in my own bed!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Reception -Part 3






Reception (cont)


All the Ribera grandkids (minus Kayla and Alayna)








Catered by Coldstone!!!



Brandon's family hosted a wonderful luncheon! It was decorated so beautifully and catered and a huge break for us all!


The reception was in this quaint log cabin in Roy and was the perfect setting for the occasion (except that there was no heat)









Utah- Part 4