Sunday, April 21, 2019

Random pics for fun!

Spring is in the air!

I never thought I would say this but Im grateful for that nasty winter because I am extra grateful for the beautiful sunshine, gardening, being outside etc!!! 

We did accidentally unearth a nest of bunnies. We had 3 buns on the run. But got them back safely in their nest. Grateful I have experience with so many animals and know what I am doing now.

We did tons of yard work yesterday: trimming trees, setting up  our new deck planter, turning the soil, clearing away dead plants, etc.  We feel super accomplished!

Alayna is on the varsity tennis team (Team B?) and has been doing awesome!

We learned something super cool about Bob this week!

"This is the program I worked on last summer. I did all of the software updates for the displays you see in the picture. Its taken 6 months since I finished to fully test and certify the aircraft for flight."

 I was also highlighted on our school social media for National Library Week
Peanut and Oreo found an amazing home with kids who love them and a dog who thinks they are his babies.  They are getting way more attention now.  We just have our originals, Lily and Rosie, plus Jack the bunny left.  Glad they are all in happy safe homes now.  Here is the 2 year old playing peekaboo

Happy Easter everyone!
happy easter!

Congratulations, Kayla!

Congratulations to Kayla for graduating!!!!  So proud of you!  Brandon graduates this week too!  So exciting and so proud of both of you!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Spring Break

This week was VERY needed!  I will say I didnt accomplish a whole bunch, but I did get some relaxing in which was great!

Ive been binge-waching Arrow since I am so behind.  I also finally got to see Robin Hood (loved it!) and the new MI: Fallout (also loved it) while doing my treadmill.  I did absolutely no reading!

Alayna did some puppy sitting for 2 families.  I had fun playing with them too but didnt get any pics:(  She also got some new indoor plants to spruce up the place and "make us happy."

I made chocolate strawberries to "make me happy" lol

Bob and I finally got to go on a date.  We tried the new pizza place downtown Marion called Urban Pie.  It was good, but not amazing.  What WAS amazing is as we were leaving and crossing the busy street, Bob lifted a hand to wave at the guy who let us cross and our beautiful salad crashed and exploded on the pavement in front of everyone! It was hilarious- with lettuce flying! Oh well!

We also went to Orange Leaf after for frozen yogurt!

The snow has finally melted and the weather has been beautiful!  We have lots of flooding but so far we havent had any direct problems from it  This is by my school.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Other happenings...

Looks like Kayla, Brandon and Ellie are having fun in the snow this weekend!

Penelope and Misty found a new home! With friends!  We are so grateful to have found Wendy and that she is giving them so much love and an amazing safe home! Plus they have new friends Nellie and Lily!

Ive been swamped with the Book Fair and parent conferences while fighting off a cold.  Its warmer but we still have so much snow.  Spring break is in 1 week.  I am ready for the break and hopefully sunshine!  I bought myself the most amazing thing- its an 18 pound plush weighted blanket.  I sleep so much better.  Every night I race home to my circulation boots and weighted blanket.  Grateful for new technology that makes a huge difference!

Bob and Tyler's trip to AZ

They will have to fill in all the activities they did.  Im just sharing pics!

They missed their flight home so they came back a day late which was probably for the best since Bob got really sick with a sinus and lung infection.  Glad they are home safe- thanks to the Harts for having them!  They had a wonderful time!

Utah- Part 4