Monday, October 02, 2006

Oct 2, 2006

October 2, 2006

A quick update on our week:

Marisa had a home game this week so we were able to go see her play. She did a GREAT job and has really improved. Every serve went right over the net and she was moving all over the place!

I subbed 7th grade science which was fun and turned out to be adventurous as some kid let out a giant praying mantis who flapped all over the classroom. I can honestly say my job isn’t boring.

Bob took the kids to the Harts for the weekend so I could get a million things done. They had a great time! We are back today to a normal schedule- lots to do including the kids dentist appt, Marisa’s volleyball game, and the missionaries for dinner.

PS- Marisa has posted a large map of the world in her room and is trying to gather postcards and real pictures taken around the world, so if you have any extras, please send them our way. She would love it!

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Utah- Part 4