Monday, January 15, 2007

Week in Review- Jan 15, 2007

January 15, 2007

Week in Review:

  1. Tyler’s expander broke, so we had to take an unplanned trip to the dentist to have it fixed and recemented on.
  2. Marisa placed 2nd in the school Geography Bee. Here is what I wrote on that:

Marisa placed 2nd in the whole school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She kicked butt the first 5 rounds. She never missed a question. She beat out all the 7th and 8th graders! She got to the final round and then went against a 6th grader for the championship round (this kid had missed one question, but you have to miss two to get out.) In this championship round their slates went clean. They both got the first question right. Then Marisa got the next one wrong, the boy got it right, then they both missed the last question , so she lost. She was beating herself up over it, but I am WAY proud. 2nd in the entire school is nothing to sneeze at.

  1. I taught Kayla’s class for ½ day this week. I also taught another 5th grade class in her school on Friday and another class at the middle school for ½ day. Another very busy sub day!
  2. We had a very sad loss of a special member of our family. Our 9 year old TV finally gave out. As devastating as that was, it was more devastating knowing our favorite show “24” was back on this weekend. So, we moved the DDR TV into the living room and scooted our couch and chairs all within a few feet of the TV. WE plan to get an LCD flat screen someday…someday…
  3. Speaking of 24…it was awesome!!! I can hardly wait for part 2 tonight!
  4. Bob is finally feeling better but now we have Kayla and Alayna sick. Note to self: must convince family to stop sharing everything with each other!!!
  5. We had our first giant snowfall last night. So, since the kids have the day off, they went out to build a snow man and play in the snow. Since they built it on the side of the house and its 8 degrees outside, I wont get a picture taken of it today…
  6. Nothing else new going on. Have a great week!

Kris and Family

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