Sunday, December 02, 2007

December 2, 2007

December 2, 2007

We got hit by a major ice storm this weekend. Everything was covered in ice, so church was cancelled today as it is too dangerous to travel. So, we will wrap in our warm blankets and enjoy the day at home.
Tyler had his first basketball game early Saturday morning. He really likes playing!
My job is going great. I am really getting the hang of it and I love being there. I just hope this helps me secure a job next year. I found out that one of the teachers on my team went up to the principal and told him that I was such a great teacher that he had to hire me. The principal says he knows and is just waiting for a position to open. I will say that math teachers have a ton more grading and more work than any other teacher. It’s crazy!
Grandma Ribera sent us a blow up igloo to go outside in the snow. Since it was only 9 degrees yesterday, we set it up in the house yesterday. Who knew that it would be such a hit?? The kids played in and on that thing for hours. Then Marisa and Alayna actually slept in it! We also finally had a chance to set up all our Christmas stuff. We are behind on everything this year. Hopefully we can get a family picture done before Christmas. You all may be receiving New year’s cards instead this year.
It was Bob’s birthday this week. We had a fun birthday celebration on Monday. Then, we went out to dinner as a family to steak and Shake on Friday evening. It was bitter cold outside, but it was a fun evening.
I guess that about sums up the week. We are all happy and healthy and pray it stays that way. Our love to you all!
Kris and crew

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Utah- Part 4