Sunday, March 30, 2008

Harry Potter and BBQing in the snow

March 30, 2008

Marisa and Kayla were invited to an all night Harry Potter party this weekend. They stayed up all night watching all 5 movies in a row and playing guitar hero in between movies. They had so much fun, but were dead tired when they came home. This coming weekend, Marisa has been invited to a Mystery over-nighter at a friends house from school. She is pretty excited about that as well.

Marisa got her braces off this week (yea- freedom!!) And she got her new retainer. She can barely speak with it, but happy to have the braces off. She started tennis team this week. They cancelled practice on Monday because of snow and ice on the courts, but it was melted enough to start practice on Tuesday. She is starting out ranked 5th place over all the 7th and 8th grade girls in both middle schools. That is quite an accomplishment!!

Kayla had her birthday this week and turned the terrific age of 12! Today is her first day in YW. She requested steak for her birthday dinner. So, we ended up BBQing steak in a huge freak snow storm that hit. I’ll post some pictures. Anyway, her Battle of the Books team had their last competition on Wednesday and they won!!! They beat every team in the whole school and are the first 6th grade team to have ever won!! Pretty cool! Kayla also had her culture fair for her world languages class. She did hers on Italy. They had to make a big display board and then bring authentic food for people to try. We stayed up the night before making Italian butter cookies which were a huge hit. As you can see, Kayla has had a very busy week.

Tyler and Alayna had a sock hop at school on Friday to celebrate reading week. They also had a “read and feed” day, “drop and feed” day, etc. They had a very fun week. Alayna has become a reading fiend and begs us to read to her or listen to her read all the time. She especially likes to read with her daddy.

I have had an incredibly busy week as well. I was called in early to sub Tuesday morning. When I got there they also asked me to sub for a teacher (Mrs Alexander) for the next week. I said sure. Mrs. Alexander’s daughter was in a severe car accident over spring break and part of the car rammed into her upper thigh and broke her leg. They had to take her in for surgery to put a rod in her thigh and do a muscle and skin graft. To top it off, she is 8 months pregnant, so they are doing everything they can to keep the baby inside and safe. But that means her daughter has to go with very little pain medication. Anyway, I am subbing her class 3 days this week, then Tylers the last 2. Then next week I sub for Kayla’s math teacher for 2 weeks who is going for surgery. The school also said Mrs Alexander is considering taking the remainder of the year off and asked if she did, would I be willing to take over for the remainder of the year. I said “of course”. So, we should find out in the next week if I will be doing that. Bob has also had a busy week since his work has now asked them to start working overtime until October with no pay. That makes me so mad. That is one of the main reasons we left LA. Bob is very frustrated by it as well.

Tonight we sign up Marisa for seminary and youth conference and both girls for girls camp. This coming summer is going to be crazy busy. I was down with a migraine and sick tummy over the weekend. I just hope I feel better by tomorrow because I cant miss school. A special CONGRATULATIONS to Missy and Clark on their new gorgeous baby girl!! Ribera’s- we hope all went well with the performances of the Messiah and look forward to hearing all about them. Well, I guess that sums up our week, we look forward to hearing from you!

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Utah- Part 4