Sunday, March 23, 2008

I’m dreaming of a white…Easter??

March 23, 2008

I know my posts are not doing much to convince any of you to move to Iowa, but this could be my first Easter in a snowstorm. I am amazed the Easter bunny found us! I didn’t get a newsletter up last week, but hopefully you were able to see the concerts we posted.
Previous week update:
Kayla’s Battle of the Books team won again. If they win Wednesday, they win overall for the whole school! Her band had their concert (it had been rescheduled 3 times due to weather!) We posted some of the concert on the blog. I know you can’t see her too well, but she is in the clarinet section.
Marisa had her violin concert; we posted it on our blog. I thought she did a very nice job. (Grandpa Ribera, Marisa would like the violin music for the Messiah so she can start practicing) She also had her big NHD showcase. It was so funny- every time she went to demonstrate the guillotine, a huge crowd gathered. Then you would hear all these “ooohs” and “ahhhs”. She did an excellent job and had the option to go to Regionals, but she would have had to spend her entire Spring Break working on it and she just wasn’t willing to do that. I can’t blame her, she needed the break. We will post a video with her explaining the project and demonstrating the guillotine for you (pretty cool.)
I took a grammar final from you know where. It was 2 hours, 19 pages, all hand written. It was B-R-U-T-A-L!!! I am so glad to have it done. My professor is very slow so I still don’t know how I did or even if I have everything done for the class that I need to. When this endorsement is in ink, I will have one heck of a party!!
This week update:
We had a fun St. Patrick’s Day. The kids made green French toast and green eggs. They looked pretty nasty, almost moldy, but tasted delicious.
This week was Spring Break. I went into my usual “spring cleaning” mode, which interpreted means “complete insanity of deep cleaning and deep organizing.” (Ask our kids- they can tell you what those mean!) However, I have found that I just don’t have the stamina anymore to accomplish what I used to. My cabin-fever kids were cooped up in the 32° and I swear could have given the WWF a run for their money. I swear when the weather gets warm, I am locking them outside for 24 hours!
We celebrated Kayla’s birthday this week, since we could stay out late! We went to Planet X. She invited a few friends along. We did laser tag, miniature golf, bumper cars, arcade games, etc. We all had such a great time. Maybe I can talk her into taking a few minutes to tell all about it. Anyway, she had a horse cake and got some fun presents including a new sleeping bag for girls camp! She actually turns 12 this week on the 26th!
Marisa is supposed to start tennis team tomorrow. I guess we will see if the snow melts off the courts. I guess that is a quick update of our past couple of weeks. We hope everyone has a HAPPY EASTER and hope to get updates on EVERY family this week.

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Utah- Part 4