Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. (Kung Fu Panda)

September 14, 2008

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. (Kung Fu Panda)

Another week has gone swooshing by. It has been a flurry of activity. Yesterday, we spent several hours making all of our garden produce into 11 jars of homemade salsa and it tastes awesome!! I smelt like garlic all day and my wedding ring was covered in tomato junk, but it was worth it. Marisa was at a Stake Youth Activity from 2:30-9:00, which included a stake dance. She said she had a great time and she came home exhausted. Maybe I can talk her into writing about it?

Marisa: Marisa auditioned for all-state. Our school can only send 28 kids to audition for All-state and there are over 100 in orchestra. So they hold a special audition to see who will go. Rarely do freshmen make it and she is an alternate!!!! She is thrilled. So, she gets to participate in all the rehearsals and she is absolutely thrilled!
She also auditioned and actually made the chamber orchestra!!! VERY few freshmen ever make it. This year only six did and I am so excited for her. The chamber orchestra does all the music for the HS musicals. So, Marisa will be playing in the pit orchestra for Les Miserable’s! Isn’t that so awesome?
She is also LOVING seminary (but I think the seminary is killing me. Oh so early!) She is enjoying the school clubs, but has a heavy homework load.

Kayla: She had her first game this week. Her team won every game but one, but she wasn’t in the actual game for very long. She has another home game tomorrow.
On Wednesday, the girls had their YW in Excellence program. Marisa and Kayla did their display on France. They made a cute poster and we made French crepes that we stuffed in chocolate and vanilla pudding. During the program, we learned to salsa dance, and the girls were able to hit a giant piƱata that they had made. It was a very fun and enjoyable evening.

Tyler: Tyler is one very busy guy this year! His vocal teacher called and asked for him to try out for OPUS (kind of like all-state for HS). So, he has been practicing for that every day after school. He sends his audition tape in on Friday.
His football practice and first football game were cancelled this week because of the constant rain. He has also been working very hard on his Bear book so he can complete it before he moves to WEBELOS next month.
He also got the exciting news that he got accepted into the Lego League! He is so excited. He told me that someday he will build me a robot that will cook all the family meals (not sure what that means: that he knows I stress about it? Or that I am such a bad cook that a robot would be a good alternative!) Anyway, he starts this week.

Alayna: Nothing new happened for Alayna this week. She is learning to deal with homework and trying to be responsible, which at 6 is a bit of a challenge. But we have noticed her trying to make a better effort in good eating habits!

I made it through another great week of teaching. I also had my first meeting with the principal and I think he went really well. Some days I feel overwhelmed, but I am doing my best and that’s what counts. I have to take Thursday off and attend a training conference in Tipton (an hour from here). I am not looking forward to that, but always happy to mark off the training I am required to do.
Enjoy your week!

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Utah- Part 4