Sunday, September 13, 2009

New baby puppies, the end of the tomatoes, and another very busy week!

September 13, 2009

New baby puppies, the end of the tomatoes, and another very busy week!

Taylor, one of the dogs we regularly babysit, had her babies. She had two girls and one boy. I will post the pics because they are so adorable!

This week Marisa got results from two different violin auditions. She made it into chamber orchestra, which is an advanced group that meets before school and performs in a Masterworks concert with the school's top choir, a jazz music concert with the school's top jazz band, and is in the pit for the school's spring musical (They are doing Fiddler on the Roof this year!!) She also made 2nd chair of the 2nd violins in symphony orchestra (the top orchestra), which is her class during the day. This is really good for a sophomore so we are very proud =) Lastly, she made it through the local level of Iowa All-state orchestra auditions. She is really excited about this and this will be a very good opportunity for her. Please send her lots of money and candy and gifts to encourage her...=) (She inserted that sentence by the way) School is going pretty well for her. She's taking French 4 and Spanish 1 this year so she gets her languages messed up sometimes but it's getting better. She's friends with a lot of foreign exchange students which is really fun for her. She and Kayla were in an adorable little skit by the young women yesterday at our ward party. It was about facebook, those of us who have one thought it was hilarious. All the old (I mean elder) people sat with lost, blank stares on their faces. That was funny too.

We are DONE with the tomatoes. If I never see another tomato again until next summer, it will be too soon. We made the rest into this awesome spaghetti sauce. It will be so nice not to have all our Saturday filled with canning, but I think we have a good supply of garden goodness to last through the winter.

There is always a lot going on, but this week it was a lot of the same stuff. Kayla did have their first volleyball game this week in Iowa City, but they lost. She has two home games this week and I am excited to see her play. She was also sustained as the new beehive president and she is very excited about that. Alayna moved up to Level 2 in gymnastics which was exciting for her. I guess that’s it for the week. We sure miss hearing from everyone…hint, hint, HINT!!

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