Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Blizzard I Prayed For

The Blizzard I Prayed For

Apparently when you pray for a blizzard, you must specify the time you would like said blizzard to arrive. I knew a storm was coming in this weekend and prayed hard it would hit by Saturday and the ward party would be cancelled. “Why”? you ask? Because I had to sing and was getting super nervous about it. Anyway, I was hoping all the way up til the time we left that it would be cancelled but no luck.


It ended up being a very fun party and dinner. The girls were part of a YW skit, Alayna sang with the Primary and I sang with a trio “What Child Is This” (which I think turned out ok?) The coolest number though was the high priests who did a dance with those lights sticks attached and totally in the back.


(Kayla is 3rd girl from the left and Marisa is 2nd from the right with a hat on)


(High Priest show in the dark)


(Alayna is on the far right with a pink stripe on)

The blizzard hit late last night with 50 mph winds and a wind chill making the temp feel like -20. So, church was canceled today <insert the happy dance here>. I was able to sleep 7 hours longer than I do on weekdays and it was pure heaven. It has been great to spend time together as a family.

It was also snowing and cold Saturday morning so the big scout ski trip was cancelled and Bob and Tyler were very bummed. Especially since they went all the way to the church at 6:30 am because they didn’t get the message before they left.


News from Marisa

Marisa decided she needed to get a job wince she was spending more than she was earning. So, she applied to the grocery store here called Hyvee where she knows several people who work there. I told her to go by and introduce herself to the manager. He ended up having her stay for an interview right there and then and she was hired on the spot. Now how cool is that?? She filled out paperwork for several hours on Saturday and starts her training this week. She is so excited!

We also found out she was accepted into the Neista and Metro Honors Orchestra! She will be performing in both of those in January.

She had a cool concert this week that combined the Chamber Orchestra and the top High school jazz band. It was a very entertaining concert.

Kayla: Key club, Bowling, and Band

Kayla is very excited to be in the Pep Band. They start this month playing at the basketball games. She had a wonderful band concert on Monday. It was the freshman choir, orchestra, and band. She did such a great job. In Key Club this week, they made blankets for an in town charity.


She did awesome at the home bowling game this week. She got her best score yet and even had 2 strikes and 2 spares. It was a little hard bowling with a very bruised tail bone but she kicked butt anyway!



Tyler finished building his CO2 car. He made it into a black and orange shark. When they raced it at the school though, his wheel popped off. He absolutely LOVES show choir too.

Alayna has been learning about pioneers at school. For Christmas, they are doing a gift exchange in their class but everyone has to make the gift. Alayna came home with a great idea all on her own. She decided to make some homemade playdough, shape it into a world and say “You mean the world to me” on it. What a great idea!


The girls made some really cool treats in a jar for YW this week.


If anyone needs a good laugh…

Hart Jib Jab


The Borden Family said...

Sounds like a great week. Love the dance in the dark idea. What song did they dance to? Stay warm and at home....cancelled school too?

Angela said...

I love how you get tons of great pictures to go with all of your posts. You are SUPER mom in my book.

Utah- Part 4