Sunday, December 05, 2010

Tangled with Ketchup and an Icy Butt


A sweet friend of ours told us about a movie special yesterday. If you brought 5 cans to donate to the food pantry, then you got a free movie ticket. So, Bob took Kayla, Tyler, and Alayna to go see “Tangled” in 3D. Marisa went later that night with a friend to see the same movie. They said the movie was adorable and Alayna thinks 3D movies are the best invention ever.

Ketchup and an icy butt

Poor Kayla had a really bad day on Friday. At lunch, she accidentally spilled ketchup all down the front of her shirt (when in itself, that would make for a bad day in my book). Then she went to her bowling meet (over an hour away) and did poorly on both games (so bad that she wouldn’t tell me the score). Then, when the bus stopped for dinner, she slipped at the top step of the bus and her poor butt hit every step on the way down to the hard icy ground below, all in front of the entire HS bowling team. She came home frozen (her toes were numb, feet were yellow and she was shaking) and ticked. Tyler and Alayna made her some hot coco with marshmallows to feel better. She ended up with a sore shoulder and very bruised tailbone!

Snow Storm

We had our 1st snow storm this week. Unfortunately it was piddly (about 3 inches) and didn’t cancel school. I firmly believe that if it snows, it should snow hard enough to make it worth my while. Instead, we have just had freezing temperatures (today the high is 14) and tomorrow our wind-chill will make it -4°. Arizona here we come?!


Christmas Tree

Ok, so I may have gotten our Christmas card (if you can even call it that) out on the 1st day of December, but we didn’t get the décor and tree up until today. I know. I’m lame. But I did have ALL my shopping done and all presents wrapped by Thanksgiving Day. That should count for something right?? I tried the “Christmas-email-card-so-i-don’t-have-to-write-anything-or –mail-anything” card. Here is the link to our card if you haven’t seen it yet.

Christmas card



Some things never change. All our tree lights went out last year and I was supposed to buy new ones. But, I, uh, forgot. So, our tree looks great but doesn’t dazzle yet. I will go get some lights tomorrow. We decided to “branch out” (yes pun attended) and change the layout of our living room and put the tree in a new spot. That was a big step for me. I’ll post pics.








~Marisa was accepted for a job shadow and was able to go this week. She went to a travel and tourism office (since she is interested in travel and international studies). She really enjoyed it.

~Marisa also had a bad day on Saturday. Then, I came down the hall and found this note on her door. I was dying!


~Tyler has been doing awesome in show choir. If anyone is interested, one of the moms videoed a rehearsal so the kids could practice the dance moves and you can see Tyler pretty well. Show choir is definitely his thing! He loves it!



~Kayla has been reading Harry Potter like crazy. She finished Book 4 this week and is flying through Book 5.


1 comment:

The Borden Family said...

Love it! So sorry's about that time of year when things can get bad....that's why there is Christmas to take our minds off of them. We so want to see Tangled. Nice job on your Christmas decor. We wish there was snow enough to stick. Stay warm!

Utah- Part 4