Sunday, January 02, 2011

Living in the Land of Snirt, Quelf in the Land of the Farm, and waiting for The Event

Living in the Land of Snirt

Ok, so when the beautiful fluffy snow starts to melt, it turns into what we call “Snirt”, a mixture of snow and dirt. Its not pretty. Your shoes, car, and pants get all muddy. But you know what? I’m just so thrilled it wasn’t ice, a blizzard, or temps that make the inside of my nose freeze that I happily splashed in the muddy puddles and got my jeans all wet. Those of you who know me and my aversion to dirt should be super impressed!  These pics are from before it melted.


(Raspberry Bushes)



The Vacation that is Speedily Passing By

We decided to live this vacation to the fullest because we needed this vacation so bad! So, we did a plethora of fun family activities and we are so not ready to go back to school.


I surprisingly got my highest score I think I have ever gotten. I wish you could have seen Tyler bowl! He ran bumbling down the lane, looking like he would accompany the ball down every time, threw the ball, and miraculously knocked down pins. It’s a sight to see.









Just Dance

I will reiterate that this game totally rocks. We have been playing as a family. Alayna totally rocks the Bollywood, Tyler has moves we didn’t know existed, Marisa rocks the Russian dance, Kayla is great at R&B, I amazingly still have some hip hop moves, and Bob says he has “white boy syndrome”. Anyone wanna come play?




The Event

We saved up all the episodes of “The Event” to watch together over break. We LOVE it. Its like a cross between Lost and 24. Has anyone else seen it? Very intriguing and makes the treadmill more entertaining. We still don’t know what the “Event” is yet, but we are sure sticking around to find out.

Candlelight dinner

We wanted to make our evenings special so we added some bubbly and candlelight.



Quelf in the Land of the Farm

We have a new favorite family game. It is called “Quelf”. It is the most random entertaining game. One card said that every time someone landed on a red space, everyone had to yell out “Quelf in the Land of the Farm” and whoever came in last had to go back 2 spaces. Now the kids have decided to use that phrase every time I mess up a word. So, um, they say it a lot.



(Kayla had to make a homemade snorkel and Alayna had to dance)


(Tyler had to be a weeping willow while humming a sad song)


(Tyler was stuck like this for several rounds)


(Marisa had to wrap herself like a present while holding something in her left hand.  See the bow?)


It wouldn’t be a vacation without someone getting sick. Bob was the winner with a cold which turned into a sweet sinus infection.

Spending time with friends

The kids spent time at friend’s houses, had friends over, and had slumber parties. One day Merritt came over to spend the night and they made oreo balls, babysat, played Just Dance, and had a great time. The next night, Marisa and Kayla spent the night at her house.


(Worshipping the oreos?)




Date Day

Bob and I had a fun (but long) date day. We had to switch Kayla’s cell phone, went out to lunch, ran several errands including getting some fun stuff at Menards and Kohls, went to Cold Stone for ice cream, and then ran more errands.

The new set up

Bob got the new TV up and we rearranged the living room for maximum usage and then stood back and ooed and awwed. It is super cool! It rotates from the kitchen all the way into the living room. Last night, for New Years, we all snuggled up and watched “Inception” on it. Very cool and intriguing movie.




Marisa and I finally finished our puzzle. It took us 8 hours of Karate Kid. It looks pretty cool.


An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.

We are happy to see 2010 leave and welcome 2011 with open arms. We have some exciting plans, hopes, and dreams, and hope to report on the success of it all at the end of this year.




The Borden Family said...

Sure is entertaining to read your blog....not quite sure about what all of it means..quelf?..but, am so glad you are enjoying your vacation and having fun with each other.

Bob and Kristina Hart Family said...

Quelf is this really fun new game we have been playing as a family. I bet your kids would love it!

Utah- Part 4