Sunday, April 17, 2011

“When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. But when life hands you a LOAD OF CRAP, don’t make anything. Trust me on this one”

“When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. But when life hands you a LOAD OF CRAP, don’t make anything. Trust me on this one”

My friend at work gave me a card this week that said the quote listed above. I died laughing and after the week I had had, I needed the laugh! I guess it is those bad weeks that make you appreciate the good ones, right? But sometimes I can really do WITHOUT the loads of crap! So, I will focus on the good things that happened this week.

Kayla Rocks

This week she won one doubles match and lost one. I would also like to add how AMAZING our experience was when she got her patriarchal blessing last Sunday. I can honestly say that some of my most profound spiritual experiences are when I have gone with my children to get their blessings!


(High School tennis team picture)

Iowa Weather

Sure- I could complain and go on and on about how much it SUCKED that it actually snowed yesterday! Or how we had 45 mile an hour winds. Or how nasty the weather was when Bob and Tyler did the Young Men Service project delivered compost to an Elderly Living Facility. Or how the tennis meets were cancelled so the kids wouldn’t blow away or turn into frozen statues. Or how I did my hair this week but by the time I actually got in to school I looked like Medusa.


(Alayna played out for hours in the warm weather)

But instead, I will focus on the fact the first part of the week was GORGEOUS! We planted onions, potatoes, and asparagus. My beautiful tulips bloomed although they shut up supertight when it snowed. Frankly I’m surprised they survived.




Marisa was specially chosen for an honors orchestra to participate in on May 14. The geek said yes to her conductor because she figured no one would ever ask her to prom. Well, in the past 2 weeks I have had 2 different boys contact me to arrange ways to ask her to prom. So, I had to tell her that my “Mother’s Gut” says she shouldn’t do the orchestra and I emailed her conductor to say she couldn’t go. She was confused. Anyway, she got asked today by David and I took a picture of the adorable way he asked. She was ECSTATIC and tried her dress on within seconds of reading it. Then she and Kayla made a basket of plastic eggs and cut up the words “I’d be HOPPY to go with you to prom” and put the slips in the eggs. Awww!



Other News

*Our friends came over again to watch “Megamind” and play dress up!



*Tyler was set apart as the 2nd counselor in the Deacon’s Quorum Presidency.

*My end tables came in!



1 comment:

The Borden Family said...

So true about the load of crap...Yay Marisa-love the bag of flour (the corny ones are the best, right?) Great job Kayla! Sorry about the snow! Nice end tables!

Utah- Part 4