Sunday, August 07, 2011

You can never appreciate the shade of a tree unless you sweat in the sun.-- Author Unknown

It’s so sad because it’s August now and we spent the week getting ready for school…

●We organized all the school supplies and went shopping to get everyone what they needed on their lists.

●For the 1st time ever we took advantage of the tax-free shopping days to do all of our clothes shopping. It would help tremendously if the kids would just stop growing.

●Alayna has her last week of swimming lessons. I will try to get pictures on Friday.

●Tyler was chosen to be part of the MYFI group this year, so he helps the incoming 6th graders through orientation and the 1st day of school. He started his training for that this week.

●Kayla finishes up Drivers Ed this week. She even drove to Sam’s and no one died, so she is being successful!

●Our garden produce is starting to arrive. We have been making bruschetta and starting to can tomatoes. We are doing salsa next Saturday.

●Marisa has been reading Hunger Games. We plan to go to the movie for Kayla’s Sweet 16 if any of you want to go? Tyler and Kayla have been reading more Harry Potter and I am reading a new book called “Gone”.


(The sand temple)


(Sand church)

●Alayna has been busy this week learning how to latchhook which she loves and created a “sand world” in the sandbox that includes Mount Everest.


**Best news of the whole week is that my wedding album arrived and I LOVE it!!! I made it into a hard cover and as professional as I could make it and I am super pleased with the results.



I also got ALL the negatives that were put on cds, into files by year so I can start working on those blog books. Yes, I am obsessed. I found some REALLY old pics so some people were lucky recipients of ones I found of them. I even found my old glamour shots!  Yes, you are allowed to laugh!



Bob and Kristina Hart Family said...

I think you look good in those pictures mom!

Bob and Kristina Hart Family said...

That was me, kayla, that said the last comment lol :)

CinnaPatty said...

Wowza! I have some glam shots too! Did Deb take yours? Hee hee.

Bob and Kristina Hart Family said...

Patty! Id like to see those glam shots of you!

Utah- Part 4