Sunday, June 02, 2013

We survived! It’s a Miracle!

We survived! It’s a Miracle!

We made it through the school year! This was a tough one. I feel that since we survived, we succeeded. The kids got out on Tuesday and my last day was Friday. We are all so tremendously happy to be done!!! We start our family fitness program tomorrow and hope to mix some relaxing in with getting some work done.



When it Rains

We have had quite a bit of rain and some crazy storms which knocked down full trees by my work. We need the rain though. Our garden and apple trees are flourishing. We planted our new blueberry bush. We planted new flowers and they are doing great as well.




On the Trail Again

We decided to do our first family bike ride yesterday. Two of the trails we wanted to go on were flooded from all the storms. So, we ended up going on the trail by the church. The weather was perfect, but the swarms of bugs attacking our faces wasn’t.


As we headed down the trail, we stopped for a second. I put my foot down but it was into a hidden hole, so I did this slow motion, old person fall right into the brush!! Oh the joys of family outings. At least it was good for a laugh and I didn’t damage anything but my pride.



I May Die…

So, I decided to go ahead and whip out my last 12 credits of grad school. I have 1 month to do it. I have been swimming in it already and I have a googly brain. I forgot a gift for Alayna’s teacher, forgot Tyler’s showchoir meeting, and forgot Tyler’s ortho apt. I NEVER forget stuff. It’s like I am literally losing my mind. But my hope and prayer is that I can focus the whole month and be done with it all. Wish me luck.


(Marisas galaxy jeans she made!)


(when you let your retainer sit in mouthwash all night)


Burro123 said...

BAHAHAHAHAHA TYLERRRRR is da best! I'm glad you guys posted this week I was missing it last week. Marisa's galaxy pants worked out and it looks like Tyler is enjoying movement. So nice to read this blog every week.

The Borden Family said...

We soak our retainers in well too! Glad to see the happy kids in the rain. Good luck with all the school work, Kris!

Utah- Part 4