Sunday, July 13, 2014

As summer flies by…

Another busy week of projects and its hard to watch the summer flying by.  I feel like maybe I need a whole year off to get everything done!  First, we tackled the laundry room…

It may be a little hard to see but we did it in a light mint green with white trim.  It looks way better and we got rid of more junk.




We also went through our food storage and redid our 72 hour kits…



We got the computer room cleaned and organized, but we have to save some of the painting for when Marisa gets home right?  We got up some new posters…this is my new favorite…


We have been trying to work out each day, however the bugs are so bad here that it has been unbearable.  So I guess we will be stuck working out inside again this week.  Parts of our garden are flourishing like Zucchinius Gigantor…


Tyler has been using our machine to deep clean and scrub all the carpets and couches in the house.  Next week he tackles the cars.

We got all the kids passports done!!

I finally got a smart phone and joined the world of instagram.  I am still trying to figure out how it all works.

Funny story of the week:  Tyler comes running up the stairs exclaiming, “so that’s what that noise is, there's a baby bunny in my window sill!”.  Sure enough we go out there are there is this tiny scared bunny stuck in the window sill.  He explains that he keeps hearing these freaky noises that pound against his window and scare him and when he looks out nothing is there.  Apparently this happened 3 nights in a row.  That poor baby bunny must have been so scared! 

We couldn't get it out, so we had to get the small animals whisperer (ALayna) who picked her up no problem.  The sweet bunny closed her eyes as we pet her, she must have been so exhausted. Alayna took a step forward and the bunny jumped out of her arms, went running like a bat our of heck, did the biggest superman leap I have ever seen a baby bunny make….right INTO the other window sill!

Long story short, we got her to the back yard where we hope her mom will show back up.  She comes out each afternoon so we know she is ok, otherwise she lives in Bunny City under the shed.

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Utah- Part 4