Monday, January 04, 2010

You might live in the Hart household if...

January 4, 2010

If you find 10 degrees 'a little chilly', you might live in Iowa
Who knew that I would actually find 10 degrees tolerable?? When we left to church this morning, the wind-chill was -28! There’s nothing quite like driving to church with the sun coming up and the snow glittering like sparkling diamonds…only those sparkles are screaming at you “We could TOTALLY freeze your butt and face off in a matter of minutes!” Granted I wouldn’t mind my butt disappearing, but I prefer that it not get frozen off in the Iowa wasteland I now call Siberia! (The heat never turned on in the chapel.) The other day temps got up enough to turn the snow into a little slush and I was loving it so much that I didn’t even wear a coat! That probably won’t happen again until May.


If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you might live in Iowa
You might think that anyone who would wear an outfit like that in Iowa would be completely daft. However, I can’t tell you how many times Tyler has worn that to school. I finally had to hide his shorts so he would quit wearing them in the dead of winter.
Then this morning, Marisa walked out in a t-shirt and knee length skirt! Um, hello…its winter here people! She wore gold slip-on shoes. When I asked why she didn’t wear the warm, cozy boots she has for winter, she stated (while looking at me like I was an idiot) “They don’t match my outfit”. You should have seen the look on her face when I suggested she wear tights! I’d wear a fur-lined body suit if I could get away with it.


If you carry jumper cables in your car and your wife knows how to use them, you might live in Iowa
I do have them, but I still don’t know how to use them. We almost had to today because Bob’s car froze to death, protested, and wouldn’t start. Bob had to open the hood and shake the cables to wake it up enough to start.
If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you might live in Iowa
Even though we are past Halloween, we still have to worry about what will fit under a snow suit. When I dressed Alayna on our first major snow day, she looked like the kid on “A Christmas Story”, I kid you not! When we got her in the car, with her backpack on, there was no way the seatbelt was going to go over her. She looks like a giant blue Michelin man!


If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction, you might live in Iowa.
If you are so bored that you have nothing better to do than to see which members of your family can fit in the dryer, you might live in the Hart house
Alayna somehow came up with the great idea to see if she could fit in the dryer. (Don’t worry, we covered safety procedures as well as shared the story of the dead cat) Soon, Kayla and Tyler decided they had to try. We took pictures to document and prove that they could do it. IMG_0841 IMG_0850 IMG_0848

In other news unrelated to our unrelenting weather:
We had a fantastic vacation but it passed way too quickly. I assume that’s it’s a bad sign that we are counting down the days until Spring Break?
Marisa had some friends down to visit from Fayette (you may have seen the picture of John on facebook in a pic with Marisa) John and his sister came over along with another friend named Alex (part of the snowman crew). They played games, watched movies and hung out. I wanted to get pics but I didn’t want Marisa to die of embarrassment, so I refrained.John and Marisa

The girls had several friends over for a slumber party (They didn’t go to bed until 7:00am!) They played all sorts of games and watched Night at the Museum 2 (which has some brilliant lines and interchanges in it!)
We watched the Bourne Trilogy, Gilmore Girls (All of season 4), and I found a new favorite show “Criminal Minds”. We also had several Phase 10 tournaments (I swear Kayla cheats), game nights and Tyler and Marisa went with me to see “2012” which is the most awesomest disaster movie EVER! What a way to start out the new year!

1 comment:

CinnaPatty said...

We play Phase 10 too! We'll have to get together. But not Kayla since she cheats.

Utah- Part 4