Thursday, March 25, 2010

Plan B worked!!

Well, our Plan B for the business fair worked.  Here are some pics of our success.  The business fair is tomorrow so I will let you know how much Tyler sells.  Wish him luck!


(Using these really cool new silicone baking cups, we made cupcakes and turned them upside down on doilies.  Tyler freaked out saying doilies are “way too girly”, but I convinced him it serves as a plate.  He fell for it!)




(These are some of the cakes we made.  Dark chocolate fudge cake)


(These are red velvet cake.  The “L-M” is for Linn-Mar (our school district)


(Final product.  Wrapped in saran wrap and tied with a black ribbon)

Can you say “tired”? 

1 comment:

CinnaPatty said...

Poor Tyler. Doilies! Sigh. :) Joshua did chocolate chip cookies on a stick with one side frosted in chocolate frosting. They are good. For packaging we went fast and easy, Ziplock baggies. Yep! No Saran wrap and ribbon for us! :) Go boys! Sell sell sell!

Utah- Part 4