Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break Day 5-7

Snow? Are you kidding me??

How can we go from playing tennis in 65 degrees one day to waking up to 2 inches of snow the next morning! Psycho city! No one can say the weather here is boring.


“Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping.”

Kayla, Marisa and I got to spend a day out shopping! We had huge success. This was the first time I have been shopping in years where I didn’t think the stores had put in special mirrors to make you look like a hippo stuffed in a shoe box. Its also the first time clothes fit, I looked good, and had to go down a size! Whoo-hoo!!! I almost ran out of the dressing room prancing around the store screaming “Look at me! Swim suits fit!” And if I had been triple dog dared, I would have done it!


Finally learning what relaxation really is:

So, I wanted to make sure to live it up the last day of Spring break. I grabbed my computer, hunkered down in my super soft bed, and watched 8 episodes of Gilmore Girls and I didn’t even feel guilty! I know, some of you may be feeling the world is coming to an end, but maybe its just a sign that I am finally finding what works (like puzzles). It was heavenly and it was watched completely uninterrupted! How does that even happen? I MUST schedule that again. I bet my kids thought I was sick.


(Soaking up the sun while eating cookie dough- It doesnt get better than this!)

Other exciting happenin’s

*Marisa had her 1st tennis practice in 32 degrees, but she kicked butt and impressed the new coaches!

*Kayla and Marisa went to Nauvoo for a temple trip yesterday. They brought home fudge from the Nauvoo fudge factory (their ticket back into our home) and they got to all go out to a Chinese Restaurant to try some new foods. Then Marisa went to a Luau themed Stake Dance.


*We are back to normal schedule tomorrow. YUCK!! Our schedule is hideous until May.


(Soaking up the sun)

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Utah- Part 4