Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break Day 3

Another beautiful sunny day!

We started out with our hour walk/bike. Actually the kids ride their bikes while I walk and jog. It works great. We found a perfect route around the neighborhood that is exactly an hour.



Then Kayla and I went to do the grocery shopping. How come we always spend too much at Wal-Mart? We did notice though that my tulips are coming in! Spring is on its way! Hoorah!



Me being trendy?

Then I went to get my hair cut. I am including the picture, but keep in mind that I can never get it to look the way it does when my hair stylist does it. So, I have to try it out on my own this week. It takes a while to straighten it to look like this, so I may alternate with it being curly. Apparently this is me being “trendy”…lol!


Petit Four Practice:

Then, we spent the evening practicing and experimenting with Petit Fours for Tyler’s business fair next week. Um, we found that we are not so good at it. I trying to frost the edges with a knife. After several hours and many flops, we came up with a plan B. I pray it works. We will post pics of that plan next week.


Take 1: Flipping a cake over right when it comes out doesnt work…lol!


Take 2: Success


Final products

Marisa came home!

Almost midnight and just picked her up. She had a fabulous time and will post pics this weekend. She is super tan and super tired. That’s when you know its been a great vacation!! We are happy to have her back home!



Alayna texting Marisa wondering when she will be home.

1 comment:

The Borden Family said...

Very cute hair. Just as a side note, I find that after I blow dry mine, I put in those rollers that just stick to your hair....and then spray....and use taffy on the ends....and it stays pretty good most of the day.
Glad you are home Marisa.

Utah- Part 4