Sunday, June 06, 2010

Oh what do we do in the summertime…?

Oh what do we do in the summertime…?

School is out (insert massive whoohoos here) and we are SO ready to rock (insert rendition of We will rock you!)! Here are some of the things we did this week to start out the summer with a bang…


1. We learn how to Train a Dragon

We celebrated immediately by going out to see “How to Train Your Dragon”, which was a brilliant movie. We absolutely loved it! I can’t wait to see it again! I wish I had my own dragon. I would be a super cool teacher if I did. (PS- we have our fingers crossed we might get to see Lightning Thief at the new theater in Logan? I hear the owners are pretty awesome!)


2. We are surprised by how fast our garden is growing.

Our garden is flourishing and we are loving it! We love the fresh vegetables for our salad, and we even have apples growing on our trees for the first time. We have tried strawberries the past couple of years and they have bombed. So, this year we decided we wouldn’t do them. Lo, and behold, they ALL started coming up and now we have strawberries coming out of ears! How amazing is that??



3. We learned that riding your bike while wearing shorts and being related to Marisa can be a deadly combination.

For Memorial day, the family and grandparents (minus me who was sleeping, and Alayna who was sick) went on a really cool trail to ride bikes. Tyler chose to wear shorts even though I remind him often that’s not a good idea. He went around a corner and crashed. His road rash looks remarkably similar to another bike-crasher we know! Anyway, he had his leg wrapped for several days and it is finally on the mend. Then the group went to the Memorial Day ward picnic, but I was home with Alayna so I don’t have any amazing pics to share.


(It actually looked worse in person)

4. We get on a Mexican Train

Corey and Hal introduced us to this great new game called Mexican Train (although I am pretty sure they may never play with us again). It is such a fun game!




5. We babysit Maggie

Our friends went out of town and asked us to watch Maggie. Alayna was especially happy since Alayna was sick the whole time and Maggie just snuggled up next to her all day! Alayna is finally better, but now Tyler is sick.




5. We Slip and we Slide and we Bob for Strawberries

The first day of summer the kids RAN outside. Before I knew it, they had set up the water rocket and the slip and slide all by themselves. I have smart kids, you know…Kayla ran and got the snow tube out of the garage and they rode that down the slip and slide so they wouldn’t get so many bruises from the hard ground! Now, THAT is smart thinkin’. Then, they filled up the tube with water and strawberries and “bobbed” for them. I bet you have never heard of THAT before. Kayla said the strawberries were so small, though, that they all kept bonking their heads against each other.




6. We find interesting and Creative ways to spend our time.

Example #1: Making a pirate pancake.(Made by Tyler)


Example #2: Have a laugh attack until you cry. Note to self: never let Marisa drink Sunkist again!


Example #3: I FINALLY finished my puzzle (1000 piece Glow in the Dark)


7. We have a Daddy/Daughter Hoedown

Alayna had her very first “date” with her daddy this week at the Activity Days Daddy/Daughter Dance. Marisa and Kayla went as DJ’s and to help teach the “Cotton-eyed Joe” (yes that still exists) and the “Cha Cha Slide” (see pics of Marisa’s party). All 3 girls got all decked out and had such a wonderful time. Tyler had several friends over for a slumber party: wii, computer games, impossible creatures (the computer game- I’m not calling the kids names), Night at the Museum 2 (the interchange between Kahman Ra and Darth Vader is priceless) and a serious nerf gun war (that can be rivaled by no other). Tyler claims it was one of the best nights of his life! I don’t have pics of the sleepover thought because the girls took the camera to the dance.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Sunday, June 06, 2010 (3)

(Kayla and Justine)

Sunday, June 06, 2010 (2)

(Marisa and Alyssa)




(Apparently Bob is “knee-slappin’”)



(Prepping with the pretzel)


Tune in next week for such headlines as …

“Dude! What happened to my hair”?

“Where the heck did Marisa go?” and

“How many camps can we fit into 1 week”?

1 comment:

The Borden Family said...

Kayla's legs are getting really long. You guys have kicked off summer well.....too many smiles in your house I'm sure. Glad to see you all happy.

Utah- Part 4