Sunday, November 07, 2010

Top Ten Cool Happenings This Week

Top Ten Cool Happenings This Week

10. This is more like an “interesting” detail than a cool happening but one of my students asked me a question this week which I have never been asked. “Would you rather be chewed to death by a crocodile or eaten by a kangaroo?”

9. Marisa got contacts this week! She likes them but is still trying to get used to putting them in.


8. Tyler had 2 basketball games this week AND he made a basket!! Whoo hoo!

7. Kayla made the high school bowling team! Go Kayla! Go Kayla! Practices and meets begin this coming week.


6. Tyler began showchoir this week! He is very excited about it because showchoir is very big here and he is just dramatic enough to be awesome at it!

4. Alayna auditioned for and got two speaking parts in her upcoming musical!!

3. Tyler gets new glasses this week. I will take a picture when they arrive.

2. The girls sang in the youth choir for stake conference today!

1. Tyler got to fly a real plane yesterday!!! His scout group went to the Marion airport to work on their aviation badge. A guy from our ward is a pilot and he took them up in the air. Tyler was in the front seat and he let Tyler steer the plane left, right, up, and down. He thought that was incredibly awesome!



The Borden Family said...

Sounds like a way cool week!

CinnaPatty said...

Yay! Way cool. We noticed glasses-free Marissa today in the choir. It takes some time to get used to contacts...

Utah- Part 4